8. Hello

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Michael was sat on the bench at the park patiently waiting for Luke. He had a white rose in one hand that he grabbed from his neighbours yard, and his phone in the other waiting to see if Luke would kik him.

Luke was still at uni waiting for his professor to finish. He had all his things packed up and was ready to get to the park. He was side tracked when his professor handed out a sheet that had to be completed before they left. He pulled out his phone and sent Luke a message.

New message from luke_is_a_penguin!

Luke: hey I might be a smudge late. I have to finish a sheet before I can leave :'( stupid professor.

Michael: that's alright! I don't mind waiting! :) just finish you sheet so you can get here soon. I can't wait to see you!!!!!

Luke: alright I'll see you soon!  :3

Michael decided to just go for a walk while luke finished his work. He got bored after 1 minute and decide to head to Starbucks and get them both a drink. He got himself a French vanilla latte and Luke an Oreo frapuccino. His favourite.

As he was making his way back to the park. He saw a blonde quiff making its way over to him with outstretched arms. He didn't realize it was Luke until he got close enough for Michael to see his face. "Hey Luke! You made it!"

"Haha I did!" They both stood there just staring at each other until Michael remembered the drinks.

"Here I got you an Oreo frapuccino." He said awkwardly. Luke thanked him and took a sip. Things were getting super awkward so Luke decided to speak up.

"This is turning out to be weirder than I thought it would be."
"I couldn't agree more. Michael let out an uncomfortable laugh. "Ok, why don't we just start over? Pretend we just met except we still know stuff about each other?" Luke gave Michael a small smile and started playing with his straw.

"Ok! I'll start!" Luke said with a smile. "Hello I'm Luke! I like boys with died hair and I have a daddy kink!" Michael looked at him trying not to burst out into a laughing fit.

"Hello I'm Michael! I like guys with lip piercings and have daddy kinks!" There was a moment of silence when the two boys just stares at each other with big smiles until they bursted out into laughter. "I can't believe we just did that! There was this old lady behind you that looked like she was gonna have a heart attack from what we just said!!!! Hahahaha!" Michael couldn't even control himself from his laughter and when he tried to stop. Luke just made him laugh even more.

After their laugh attack. They made their way to the bench Michael was sitting at before and just talked about life. And how university life sucks but is so much fun at the same time. They didn't even go to the dinner they planned on going to. They just went to 7/11 got slushed and walked to michaels flat to watch Netflix.

Overall they had a great day and planned on having the dinner they planned to have the next weekend and just spent the whole week enjoying each other's company when they weren't at school. 

An: hey i didn't edit this because I didn't feel like it but I will fix it if it doesn't make sense later on today. Aaaannnnyyywhhhhooooo, I hope you enjoyed that the next chapter will be their dinner date.

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