4. Bad Day

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Time skip to 4 months later...

Luke: hey Mikey! :)

Michael: what do you want Luke?

Luke: I just wanted to talk. :(

Michael: well go talk to someone else!!!!!

Luke: ok I'm sorry I'm bothering you I'll just go...

Michael: ugh I'm sorry Luke pls come back.

Michael: Luke.

Michael: Luke???

Michael: cmon Luke please????

Michael: luuuuukkkkeeeeeyyy?!?!?!?!

Michael: I'm sorry I just had a bad day. :/

Michael: pleeeaassseeee! Just talk to me. :(

Michael: im not gonna stop texting you until you reply. :(

Michael: I'm super duper sorry I snapped at you. I just had a bad day. :(

Michael: please reply I know you're reading this.


Michael: you not replying is just gonna make my day even worse...

Michael: im sorry...

Michael: I'll just go. I'm probably just wasting your time:(

Luke: it's ok I just felt rejected because Ashton just told me off and kicked me out of his house and I just felt like nobody wants to be around me. Or talk to me :(

Michael: well I guess it's not just me who had a bad day...

Luke: nope.

Luke: so why was your day bad?

Michael: the guy I have had a crush on for a while just played me today and made me feel worthless and he even got a hold of the PA system and told everyone how I made a move on him and now he got every freshman and sophomores  calling me a whore and a slut and a whole lot more names and some of them didn't even make sense!!! :'(

Luke: WOW! That's harsh...

Michael: and to make it even worse Calum's ignoring me because he warned me about Zayn but I didn't listen because I thought that he finally started to like me. :(

Michael: and now I have no one because Calum ditched me and might live with Ashton!

Luke: aww I'm sorry I'm still here for you even when...
(Cue Alvin and the chipmunks music!) You've had a bad day
You're taking one down!

Michael: ... So you sing a sad song just to turn it around!

Luke: you say you don't know, you tell me don't lie...

Michael: ... You work at a smile and you go for a ride!!!

Luke: you had a bad day, the camera don't lie...

Michael: ... You're coming back down and you really don't mind!

Luke:  you had a bad day...
You had a bad day.

Michael: thanks Luke I feel a lot better :)

Luke: GOOD!!! I don't like the thought of you being sad. :(

Michael: well as long as I have you I'll always be happy!

Luke: awww. You pretty sappy af!!!!!

Michael: thanks! I try my best! :))))))

Luke: that's a lot of chins. :D))))

Luke: I have to go. I want to talk to Ashton.

Michael: ok, good luck! I'll text you later baby!

Luke: thanks daddy. ;)


Longer chapter!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!
I might update twice a week from now on, maybe double on weekends because I start school tommorow and I'm actually super excited!!! Just not about the work but like being able to do something with my time.

I might update later, depends on if I get the time but other wise I won't be able to write as often. :(((((

Kik - Muke (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now