Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A/N: Hey Lovelies! This is my first book ever on Wattpad, so cut me some slack if there are any grammar mistakes! I will fix them eventually!

Love you guys,

- Ally Monet

Chapter 1

Avery's POV

"Please help me!" I said to my best friend Andrew who was sitting on my bed, his eyes glued to his phone.

I currently stood in blue shorts and black tank top, and I was looking crazily through my closet to find the perfect dress for the end of the school year party tonight.

"Uhh..." Andrew said looking at all my dresses. "The blue one." He said.

"Andrew I wore that one 2 weeks ago!" I whined.

"Who cares?" he said.

Ok fine, I will be back. I said going into my bathroom to put the dress on.

Oh sorry I didn't even introduce myself. Hi I am Avery Miller, I am 17 years old and I am going to be a senior! My best friend in the entire world is Andrew Roberts, we have known each other since we were in preschool and we have remained close throughout the years.

I slipped on the strapless, body-hugging dress. I checked myself out. I am not that curvy but this dress makes me look like Nicki Minaj. I smiled proudly before putting on black stilettos, applying my make-up, curling my hair, putting earrings and a necklace on, and grabbing my silver clutch. I was done and ready to go.

I walked out into my room. Andrew was standing pacing back and forth.

"Andrew?" I said to get his attention.

He did a double take. "Wow." He said simply walking closer to me smiling.

"It's not too much right?" I said spinning around.

He smiled hugging me. "You look like a million buck, Mills."

He backed away his eyes going up and down my body. His brown eyes looked hungry. For me? I felt my cheeks heat up. Why was I blushing? We were just friends I told myself.

"Mills?" he asked. "Yes?" I responded.

"Ready to go?" he said offering his arm. I smiled looking into those brown eyes. "Yup!" I said popping up. We interlocked our arms and walked out of my room and towards the front door. "Aren't you going to say goodbye to your mother?"

My mom's voice said behind us. "Bye mom." I said turning facing her. "Be safe Avery, and Andrew?" she added. "Yes Ms. Michelle?" Andrew said politely.

Her mouth parted but she hesitated. "Never mind, Have fun kids." She said closing the door behind us.

"Ready to have fun?" He asked smirking. I nodded. We both ran to the car buckling ourselves in riding to the party.


"Damn." Andrew said, staring at the mansion before us. Macy's mansion was twice as big as ours "These people are fucking rich!" he said getting excited.

"Calm down Andrew, Macy's taken." I said smirking.

"I don't like Macy, It just means more space to dance, and get totally wasted." He said opening the front door, the bass was booming throughout the house, vibrating the floor.

It looked like a club alright with people all squished together dancing dirtier and dirtier as they drank more alcohol. I swayed my hips a little Andrew smiled.

"Let's go get some drinks." He yelled over the music. I nodded. We made our way to the bar. "Hey Avery, and Andrew." Chris said. "Hey Chris can you make us something." I said getting in the mood. "Make it strong." Andrew said getting lost in the music.

Chris smirked. "I got just the thing." Chris was the best drink mixer I knew, so whatever he makes will be undeniably amazing. "Here, tell me what you think."

He said handing the drinks to us. I took a big gulp. The alcohol burned down my throat leaving me with a sweet aftertaste. "Chris this is fucking amazing! I said.

"Oh God." Andrew said. "This is great, hit me up again." Andrew said slamming his empty glass on the bar counter.

"Dude are you sure, this damn shot is strong as fuck." Chris warned making two drinks for two drunken blonde bimbos who were laughing wildly.

"C'mon man, I honestly don't give a shit." Andrew said slightly drunk. "Ok." Chris said, making two more for us. We drank it all in seconds.

"Oh my Gosh!" Macy squealed annoyingly. "Hey Macy." I said. "Hey girl, why aren't you dancing?" She said swaying her hips. "I wanted to get drunk first." "Well hurry and finish your drink! C'mon!" Macy said laughing, her eyes weren't focused.

Chris had made me another and I gulped it down quickly grunting at how strong it was. "You don't mind if I steal her do you Andrew?" Macy said pulling me to the dance floor.

"Go have fun." He said getting a beer. I shook my curls around lifting my hands up and letting the music move me.

After an hour of dancing and drinking, I knew I was officially drunk. I kept dancing and soon I felt a pair of big warm hands fall to my hips.

I gasped.

"Hey there." I said totally unaware of whom this person is. "Move for me baby." He said his warm breath tickling my neck. I started grind up on this guy. He enjoyed it obviously his light moans gave me assurance.

"I think we need to take this upstairs." He said his voice was low tickling my ear. I moaned lightly, smiling evilly. He winked at me, throwing me over his back and carrying me upstairs.

I was laughing "Easy tiger." I said as his hands gripped me tightly. He marched upstairs, opening the first door he could find. I laughed as he plopped me down on the bed.

His mouth attacked the tender skin on my neck, finding my weak spot immediately sucking on it madly. I gasped. His hands roamed my body struggling to get my dress's zipper undone.

His lips caressed my skin as it made their way to my mouth and his tongue skillfully went between my lips. Soon we were both exposed and the rest was history...

A/N: Sorry to those dirty minded people, I didn't continue the scene; I didn't want it to be too graphic for my younger audience. Haha kill me later. But anyway I will be posting Ch. 2 soon! Bye my Lovelies!

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Ally Monet

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