Chapter 2: Where am I?

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A/N: Here is Ch. 2! I hope you enjoy!

Love you my Lovelies! :)

- Ally Monet

                                              Chapter 2

                     Avery's pov

I fluttered my eyes open and adjusted to the light.

I yawned covering my face with the blankets, just a few more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt. My mom hadn't waken me up and Andrew wasn't knocking on my window. And after a night like last nights I need the extra beauty sleep. So I snuggled into my pillow.

Wait. This isn't a pillow.

I opened my eyes completely shocked at the sight.

"ANDREW WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?!" I screamed pushing and kicking him off the bed.

"Oh no." I gasped covering my mouth.

He was naked, thank God he fell face forward so I wouldn't see... you know. He groaned and started getting up.

I screamed, covering my eyes.

"Why the hell did you...FUCK Mills please where are your goddamn clothes! he said.

I screamed, quickly covering myself and my eyes. "No, No the question is Andrew why are you naked?"

"Shit."  he said, I heard him shuffling for his clothes. "Um... I am in my boxers you can look." he said.

I shot a whole bunch of questions at Andrew. "Why are you in my bed Andrew! Why were we naked? Where is my dress? Did we have sex Andrew! I panicked.

"Mills!" He yelled above me.

"Calm down, this was all probably a prank. We are still at Macy's, and your dress is over there." he said answering my questions calmly. I honestly don't know how he keeps up with me and my random outbursts and my multiple questions. 

Shortly, he picked up my clothing and handed me my bra, panties and dress.

"Don't look." I warned getting up from the bed, the blanket was still wrapped tightly around my body.

"Ok." He said turning around. "I won't make any promises." He said under his breath softly.

But I heard it, and I quickly picked up the blanket I had dropped. "Andrew!"

"I am just kidding!" he laughed, his back still towards me.

I dressed quickly, and we both went downstairs once we were both dressed. I felt his eyes on my body as we walked downstairs.

No, we are just friends.

I shook it off and continued walking downstairs. Once we arrived several people were asleep on the floor others were getting up and leaving, and Macy came up and greeted me. "How was last night, did you hook up with anyone?" she winked.

 Oh my God! Does she know? Did Andrew and I really have sex?! Am I pregnant! No I am only 17! My mind screamed at me.

"Avery? Are you ok you look really pale?" Macy said waving her hand in front of my face.

"I am fine" I said distractedly.

"Oh ok well text me girl see you later!" she said hugging me and walking away.

"Ok." I said quietly.

"Hey Mills are you ok?" Andrew asked concern written all over his face.

"Of course I am." I said quickly. But Andrew knew me too well he saw right through me.

"Mills we didn't have sex, I promise you aren't pregnant." he reassured putting his hands on my shoulders.

As I looked into his deep dark brown eyes, I felt comforted and at ease. His warm touch shot electricity up my arms that went throughout my body, but I shook it off immediately. He was right, this was all a prank, and I wasn't pregnant. I am just overreacting as usual.

I nodded, sighing in relief.

He gave me a smile. "Ready to go?" I smiled. "Let's go home."

We started walking out. Jumping and tripping over people still on the floor.

When he opened the door, my phone vibrated.

5 missed calls from: Mom

16 texts from: Mom

I groaned. "My mom's going to kill me!"

A/N: Thanks for reading and keep reading I will hopefully update soon! My finals are coming up and I will be studying like crazy but in a week or two I will be free from school! During summer I will definitely write more! Thank you again lovelies!

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- Ally Monet xo


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