Chapter 13: Miss Mary

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A/N: Hello everyone, here is Chapter 13: Miss Mary. Not edited. P

I hope you all like it! :)


Kisses and Hugs,

Ally M.

Chapter 13

Avery's POV


"Goodbye Honey, I am so sorry about Andr..." my mom began. "No, just don't." I said softly. My mom nodded, and kissed my forehead gently. "Everything will get better, I promise." she said. I didn't respond, because if I did I would have told her everything in anger. But she couldn't know about my baby, about anything.

I lifted my head to see her walking out the door to work. I sighed and began picking at my food again. But how could I eat? How could I sit here so quietly, when I am screaming inside? Andrew's in jail. Danny is leaving for England again, and Macy and Chris are going to the beach for three days.

I would be alone.

"Avery!" Miss Mary said loudly. "Oh sorry Miss Mary." I said shooting straight up. "I didn't hear you." I said slouching again.

"Avery, dear, let me tell you something." she said sitting in the chair closest to me. Her sweet smile had faded, and she sighed quietly.

I knew whatever she was about to say wasn't going to be good.

"I know." she said quietly her blue eyes found my brown ones.

The room started closing in on me, the ceilings caving in on me. Her image was blurry. Panic filled my mind. "What do you know?" I said softly that I could barely hear myself.

"Dear you don't look so well." She said putting a hand on my forehead. I blinked multiple times. "Tell me what you know." I demanded softly. She ran to get me a glass of water and then sat down.

"Avery, you are a good girl, I know you are, but what you did was a huge mistake." she said looking at me.

"What huge mistake?" I said confused. I hoped she would say something else, but I knew all to well, she already knew.

"Throwing up, mood swings, fevers, tears, depression, and Taco Bell? Avery, I know you hate Mexican food." she said. "I may be old, but I am not stupid, I know a pregnant lady when I see one."

Was that what I have become just the pregnant lady? What happened to the cheerleading captain, who's boyfriend is the quarterback on the school's football team? The girl who gets straight A's and had a bright future ahead of her.

That all went away because I had sex with...


Damnit, another thing on my to-do list

find the father of my baby...

I know I should be freaking out that I don't know who the father of my baby is, but I am emotionally drained. I can't anymore. It's been two days since then and I have cried way to many times the past two days than I have ever cried my whole life. I refuse to go to the jail Andrew is at. I can't look at him I can't even think of him without feeling betrayal and hatred. But then their is a side of me that can't imagine life without him, those hugs and soft caresses, or those lips?

I am such a fuckin mess.

"I am sorry Miss Mary, ok! I screwed up just stop rubbing it in!" I said getting up.

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