(14) Traitors, Plans and Secrets

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"When do you think she'll wake up?" I heard a man's voice ask

"Who knows." another man said "I must have knocked her a little too hard."

I recognized the second voice and accent.


I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a room on a bed and I man was sitting on a couch on one side of the room in a tuxedo and Damanico was there with his back towards me and he was in the clothes from last night.

Where am I?

I was confused!

"Looks like she's up." I heard the man in the tuxedo say

I slowly turned my head to look at him. My left temple hurt and I realized the blood that was running down the side of my face.

"Are you alright?" he asked

"My head hurts." I said softly "Where am I and who are you?"

He chuckled a little.

"You ask a lot of questions my girl." he said "Damanico, help her up a little."

Damanico came over to me and I felt him touch my shoulder and I instantly grew angry. I swatted his hand away.

"Don't touch me you bastard!" I snapped at him "I can get up for myself."

"Royalty..." he said touching me again

"I said don't touch me!" I yelled

The man chuckled again.

"Seems like she's your enemy now." he said getting up and coming to me "May I help you up?"

He extended his hand to me and I gracefully took it. I wanted nothing to do with Damanico until I had a reason why he knocked me with a plank of wood.

"Who are you?" I asked as he pulled me into his arms

"My name is Lucario. It's a pleasure to finally meet the only daughter of Nicolas and Jillian."

He bent down on one knee and kissed my hand.

"You know my parents?" I asked watching him as he stood up

"Yes Royalty."

"Royalty?" I asked confused "How do you know my name?"

"Damanico here isupplied me with the necessary information." Lucario said

I pulled my hand away from him and stepped back.

"Why am I here?" I asked him

He chuckled.

He is getting on my nerves with that chuckling!

"I want answers from you Royalty." he said

"I'm not telling you anything!" I snapped at him "You might as well let me go because I won't talk one bit!"

He chuckled again and lifted up my chin in his fingers.

"You're really feisty." he said then bit my lip

"You're not going to get me to talk." I said to him but my voice was soft "It's not going to happen."

"You'll say that now but you'll change your mind later baby girl." he whispered to me softly as he gently pushed me on the wall.

I felt sparks heading down south and fast. Lucario had dark intense eyes and hair and his jaw was uniquely sculpted. He was a masterpiece and he had me falling for him. His Italian accent was a little British and I turned me on really fast. I could see that I was falling for him and he was probably falling for me.

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