I'm finally back. I've been on hiatus for a long while. University is a crazy experience. You can keep up with me a bit on my blog called "Lady Textington", the random thoughts of a 22 year old freshman at uni.
Here's my new project for the year:
"You like living on the edge. Aren't you afraid of falling over?"
For some, dawn meant the beginning of a new day while for others it meant the end of time.
Every day at dusk he was given a new wife and every day at dawn she was executed. While power was something many craved, no one willingly volunteered for the place of queen until her.
With a plan in her mind to exact revenge for the life of a friend she lost, she entered the palace with one goal in mind; kill the Kaliph.
However as tales are spun and dusk turns into dawn, the shadows lurking in the corners of the palace are on the move. Danger hides in every corner...even in the blood of the ones called family.
This one is a relatively new style of unfiltered writing that I'm trying out. This story had been floating around a bit in my head for at least 3 months but due to the adjustment change in university I don't have as much time to write and when I do try, I was getting writer's block.
The past year has been really rough personally and my writing has taken the brunt of the blow. I started a whole heap of projects that I had to keep dropping because my writer's block was so bad nothing made sense. I can't promise you frequent updates, however, I will try as much to get this new project done - bear with me.
Slowly but surely I'm working on self-publishing Mafia Boss so you guys can get a hard copy. I'm hoping to fully get it done before the year is up.
Thank you guys for the continuous support you've given here. You've been awesome.
Lots of love.

Mafia Boss✔
Romance"If I didn't care I would have left you to die but I care and that's why I'm protecting you." Xavier Arivonese A young boss with deadly connections to a deadly organization, mafia. Being just eighteen, Xavier is forced to run a deadly empire and...