39) Another Break Away

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"Cardinal." I gasped as the man walked in pointing a gun at me

"We meet again Xavier Arivonese." he smiled "Long time no see."

"What do you want?" I asked rolling my eyes

"My traitor here," he looked at Jennifer's body in disgust then at me "already told you what I want. The bonds and the jewel music box."

"I'll give you neither." I said "Guns don't scare me as I grew up with them and you don't scare me either. Where is Reign and Damanico?"

"How am I supposed to know where that idiot is?" Cardinal scoffed "He betrayed me and left. Liam left too."


"Tell me where the bonds and music box are Xavier and I'll let you live." I heard the gun click

My gaze shifted to the phone on the table and I eased over to it slowly. Cardinal hadn't realized my intentions at yet.

"Why would I give you the bonds?" I asked buying some time

"I don't want your stupid fake mafia here in Italy." he said in disgust "It's the least of my concerns especially since I know that your real mafia in is New York City. I want the money and I leave you alone."

I was close enough to the phone and he realized my intention. As I reached out for the phone he fired at my hand. I managed to pull it away before I was shot and I stared at the bullet sunken into the wooden table.

"The next one will be your head of you dare try to get the phone Xavier." he snarled clicking the barrel on the gun

"Then kill me." I challenged "You'll never find the bonds or the money if you do."

He knew I was right but he wasn't backing down.

What a disagreeable old man! How does Luca, Alex and Nico deal with this guy?

I quickly grabbed the phone. He fired the gun again and the bullet whizzed past my cheek leaving a long cut where it passed.

"Close call, huh?" he mocked a laugh "I'm not joking Xavier. I'll kill you if I have to. Now let's do this quickly before the neighbors get over here. The bonds mean nothing now. I want the music box. WHERE IS IT?"

Persistent much!

"I'll give you want you want on one condition." I stated

"Oh here we go!" he said sarcastically "Do you think I'm stupid Xavier? They always say that in the movies and I've watched enough of those to know not to take cheek from a seventeen year old boy. Now hand over what I want Xavier."

"Fine." I said and walked up to him with my hands in my pockets "If you can catch me."


He wasn't expecting it and I yanked the gun out his hand and in the split second he opened his mouth to speak I swung my hand back and crashed it full force into his jaw. He looked at me stunned.

"Bastard." he wiped blood from the side of his face

I started to walk out the door but he threw himself at me and swung me one to my stomach. I slumped down to the ground feeling the pain start in my stomach. He picked up his gun.

"I tried to be nice but you hate nice Xavier." he pointed the gun at me "I'll find the music box on my own."

I turned and looked up at him.

Oh really? I don't think so!

I lifted my foot and kicked him right in the middle of his stomach. I heard him let a string of curse words escape his mouth and I got up holding my stomach from the blow. He made a grab for me and I swung my hand back and punched him. He was recovering from the blow when I picked up a vase and smashed it forcefully into the side of his head.

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