"D-D-Damanico." I stammered "You're alive?"
We stared at each other intensely. The atmosphere was mixed with shock and confusion.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked me fiercely looking around
"What?" I asked confused "Just taking a stroll. Why?"
"Don't you know the Swedish are hunting around now for any part of your twin's mafia and you could be killed?" he hissed fiercely at me
I looked at him blankly and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the thick trees. I wanted question him but I was way too confused to talk. He pulled my until I spotted a black Porsche 918 Spyder parked and waiting.
"Get in." he said to me and I did as I was told.
Soon we were on the main road heading for the cliffs at the edge of a forest. I was quiet as he parked and turned off the engine and turned to me furiously.
"What made you leave without security?' he almost yelled "You know the rules Neveah!"
"What give you the right to yell at me you kidnapper!" I yelled back "Where's Royalty and how did you escape?"
"That's not important!" he lowered his voice
"Yes it is!" I felt tears flowing down "Where's my best friend?!"
"She's safe in my house." he answered me "That's all I'll say."
That's good but I need more information.
"Don't ask anything more about her." he read my mind "She's safe and fine and if you're good I might let you see her."
I folded my arms furious as I stared out at the cliff in front of me. I knew if I said anything more I might lose the chance of seeing her and bringing her back home away from him.
"Why did you bring me here?" I asked after a few moment of deafening silence
I hated to admit it but I loved his thick voice. It made me feel aroused and hot for some reason.
"I don't want you in the middle of a war zone." he looked at me
"War zone?" I turned to him "I was taking a freaking stroll in a public park. What war zone?"
I was really throwing a bitch fit now and somehow he seemed amused by that. He smirked at me and I felt shocks hit my core as his chuckled filled the silence of the car. I shifted my legs a little trying to ignore the tingling feeling.
"You're really mouthy Neveah." he reached beneath the seat
Oh shit! A gun!
"You want one?" he handed me a soda "It's still cold and there's Doritos under your seat if you're hungry."
"Grazie." I took the soda from him and reached under my seat for the big packets of Doritos "Aren't you on Cardinal's side? How come you are nice and won't kill me when you know I could tell my brothers about you?"
He looks so perfect!
"No. I'm loyal to Xavier since he helped me out a shit ton of trouble." he stared out at the dark horizon "I owe him. Why are you out so late?"
"Oh." I said softly looking down "I needed to clear my mind so I snuck out without permission."
"Why?' he asked gently "Is something wrong at the mansion bambina?"
Could I trust him too? He kidnapped your best friend twice! But he's keeping her safe! Alright tell him.
I poured out the whole story while he listened in silence. He became a little tense though.

Mafia Boss✔
Romance"If I didn't care I would have left you to die but I care and that's why I'm protecting you." Xavier Arivonese A young boss with deadly connections to a deadly organization, mafia. Being just eighteen, Xavier is forced to run a deadly empire and...