40) The Gionovese Famiglia

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I pulled out the bullet and a shock of pain ran through my body. I was running for the last hour and was extremely exhausted. I was sitting in the park dealing to my injured arm. The battery in Jennifer's phone was almost finished and I had hacked through her phone and found quite a lot of information. I found out that the missing money in the mafia was her doing before and after she came to the mafia.

So the missing briefcases was her uncover works.

The rain poured down heavier and I pulled off my shirt and wrapped it around my arm to stop the flowing blood. I looked at the bloody bullet in my hand trying to put my thoughts and emotions into order.

You just had to shit it up again Xavier! You let her go after being so stupid.

I rested my head on my elbows which were propped on my thighs.

I need to have her back in my arms. I miss you too much Royalty. Baby, my princess, where are you?

"What on earth are you doing here sitting in the rain?" a gentle voice asked and turned around to see and woman standing there with an umbrella

"Diana?" I gasped "You scared me."

"We meet again Xavier." Diana smiled at me

Royalty's POV

"So you lied to him?" Neveah asked me while we sat on the dinner table eating pasta

"I sort of did." I confided in her wanting to get all the stress off of me "I lied and told him I never had a boyfriend when I was with a boy called Jasper. I didn't want to lose him back them because I was head-over-heels for him but now I realize I should have told him the truth and with him missing I feel so guilty about things."

She looked away for while.

"Do..you have anything against me...you know..." she looked up at me trying to fit the words into place "....dating your bodyguard?"

"You mean you dating Damanico?" I asked and she nodded "I'll be honest by saying I nearly got a heartattack when he told me he was seeing you. I don't mind the two of you together but you won't be able to see him when he's on duty with me or the media will get all nosy and hyped and it'll be unwanted attention for the three of us."

"I understand." she smiled "I just wanted to make sure I had your approval. It sounds sort of weird. I'm dating your bodyguard."

"It's no problem." I took a mouthful "Just be careful with the Greek god and his devilish ways."

She laughed and I heard the front door open close. Damanico came into the kitchen soaking wet. He stopped when he saw both of us eating.

"Dinner without me?" he teased "How rude!"

We laughed and Gina came in and scolded him.

"Oh heavens Damanico!" she scolded like she was his mother "Don't walk through the entire house in dripping wet clothes. Go change right this instant young man! Drop your clothes in the laundry when you're done."

He didn't argue and quickly disappeared and if I hadn't told Neveah better she would have believed Gina was Damanico's mother and not his maid. Gina shook her head and frowned at the water over the tiled floor.

"Someone will break their neck over Damanico's childish ways." she mumbled to herself and went off to get the mop.

Neveah and I smiled as we finished eating. Damanico came back in sweat pants and completely shirtless. Neveah looked down at her food to hide her blush.

"No need to hide the smile." Damanico walked behind her and leaned forward to whisper into her ear "You've seen all of me already, baby."

She blushed and he kissed her cheek. He sat in the seat between us and Gina came back to give him a plate of food.

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