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Sleeping had never come so easily. Waking had honestly never been so hard. Both were enjoyed, to a point. The sleep was a welcomed thing, in comparison to either having no sleep, or hardly any. Waking would bring nothing new, but after recollecting the past twenty-four hours; waking could bring about something new. Something new, intriguing, terrifying and worrying. 

Erik woke up first and was greeted by a darkened ceiling. There were patches of chipped paint which looked like it had once been white. After the passing years it had now turned to an off white ivory colour. Managing to shift on the bed, Erik could look around the room. It didn't seem like much. Spacious enough for two beds, some equipment of some sort, chest of drawers; the usual furniture and whatnot. There seemed to be two sets of large windows on one side of the room. These were covered by rather battered looking blinds, which were closed. Even still...small slithers of light still managed to leak through. These small splinters of light helped illuminate the otherwise dark room. It must still be early morning, or the room just never had much natural lighting. Regardless, Erik managed to push himself up onto his elbows. On the other side of the room there was one door, and that was it. The walls, much like the ceiling, were chipped and flaky. There wasn't much to them, no distinguishing features. No pictures hanging, though there were shadowed marks of something once hanging in certain places.

Hearing quiet breaths, he looked slowly to the side. Liesel laid motionless, asleep and for the first time since truly meeting her; content. She never looked content when asleep. She always looked troubled, uncomfortable, on edge as if something was going to get her while she laid in a fitful rest. Rightfully so, something could've got her. And really, what's to say nothing had got at her before he arrived? Really when it came to pasts, he knew nothing of hers. Not that she knew anything of his. With a frown, he sat up and awkwardly flung his legs over the bed he was resting on. Perhaps considering they were out of that place, they could try and forge some sort of normal friendship? That was presuming she wished to stay in contact with him. He after all had somehow unconsciously been the one thing to part her from her sister. He tilted his head to the side as he rested his elbows against his knees and hung his head in his hands.

He sighed heavily, what was to happen now? Well for one, they needed to know where they were. He needed to know. It was evidently clear that Liesel was not up to doing anything other than sleep. As yet she had not stirred. She was usually quite a light sleeper. It was one thing he had noticed about her. The slightest sounds would often wake her. But then the creaking of a shoddy cabin were noises which were often plaguing his sleep too.

Shifting off of the bed, Erik stood on slightly unstable legs for a second or two before managing to walk forwards. He had it in mind to go to the door, to explore what was on the other side. But sounds from outside distracted him. Turning on his heels he walked towards the nearest window. Reaching up, he parted the blinds with his fingers and squinted against the weak sunlight outside. Frowning, his eyes widened at the sights of marching men, makeshift tents being accommodated, men rushing too and fro, vehicles of all sorts, and the sounds of voices.

So many voices, how he managed to tune all this noise out before was lost on him. Retreating from the window he walked back towards the door. Though yet another noise distracted him. Looking to the other bed he walked quickly over to where Liesel lay coughing. It was a horrible rattling noise, and it seemed to cause her some pain. She shifted onto her side and doubled over. Sitting on the edge of the bed he reached over and rubbed her back, hoping that this action would help in some way. Eventually she eased up and laid motionless. He thought she had drifted back to sleep before her eyes opened and she looked with bleary eyes and took in her surroundings.

Inhaling deeply she looked slowly up at him. "Erik?"

"Who else were you expecting?" He replied quietly but then shook his head. There was probably a list of people she would rather awake to. "Without sounding too stupid, how do you feel?"

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