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"You and me need to have a little chat." Darwin had been sitting at the table with all the paper spread upon it. He was looking down at circled articles, landmarks on maps, and other important pieces of information. None of it really made any sense to him. He turned though upon hearing the voice behind him. He looked to Liesel as she seemed to be strapping her gauntlets to herself. She had discovered that they didn't need the suit Hank created for them to remotely work; no, the end bit which clipped into the suit merely needed to stick to her skin and that was it. She had admittedly taken them apart upstairs slightly and had a poke around to figure out how they worked. But she now stood in a long sleeved black top with a hood that she had found from somewhere else in this base, black fitted jeans and her boots. She looked Darwin over, he was just assessing her with a gentle frown.

"I've been waiting for this."

"I've been busy."

"So I can see," Darwin waved a hand to the table. Liesel scrutinised the paper mounds with a scrunched up nose. He merely looked at her with a sidewards look before turning and facing her fully.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you?"

Liesel tilted her head to the side, "I am here for him."


Liesel's eyes narrowed slowly, "As if."

"I meant it in the sense of: you and him are on different wavelengths." Darwin leaned back against the table with his arms crossed. "Listen, it isn't my business as to why you're here, really. But just know, that I am here for you."

"Sorry?" Liesel looked at him confused. She didn't get where he was coming from.

Darwin sighed and hung his head. "Liesel, you saved my life. If things go south, I intend to repay the favour."

"Nothing's going to go wrong." She said though Darwin didn't seem to believe her. Liesel shifted from one foot to the other. Truthfully, thoughts of things going wrong flitted in and out of her mind, but she chose to ignore them.

"Yeah, right. Because things Erik decide to do always end well?" Darwin questioned rhetorically while raising an eyebrow at her. Before she could even reply the others slowly started to flit into the room. Darwin merely glanced at them before stepping forwards and stopping in front of her. She looked up at him with wide thoughtful eyes. "He will lead all of us into trouble, you know? Whether you wish to register this now is none of my concern, but I think a part of you knows it already. He's dangerous, Liesel, and I meant what I said: when things go south, I will look out for you. A life for a life, and all of that." He side stepped and stood by her side as Azazel and Janos walked past them with sceptical expressions.

"You don't need to do this. I never asked you to." She whispered while clenching her fists.

Darwin laughed dryly. "No, you didn't. But it's a matter of principle."

She looked up at him slowly, awkwardly smiling she nodded her head. "I know, you know...a small part of me knew we were likely to go downhill fast as soon as I saw him kill Shaw and flaunt his corpse about like some sort of trophy." Liesel paused to look to the floor thinking of her next few words. "But I meant what I said too: I am here for him. There's a line that should not be crossed, and if he tries to then I will be there to stop him."

"What if he can't be stopped?" Darwin looked to her with a frown. It was a valid question. "There's also a line when it comes to those we love. He loves you, Liesel, but even you may not be enough to stop him from reaching his goals and going through with whatever plans come to mind. In fact," he paused and lowered his voice as he noticed how nearly everyone was loitering about the room. None of them could hear the quiet conversation they were having, but it still made him sceptical about eavesdroppers. "You may be the reason he goes too far."

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