Surviving College With The Bad Boy

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Surviving College With The Bad Boy


Love at first sight. When your eyes connect and you know for sure that he or she’s the one. Your stomach gets a tingly feeling and you feel like you’re the only two people in the room. Like you’re floating on cloud nine.

Well I was feeling the exact opposite.

I’ve never heard of hate at first site, but I’m pretty sure I just invented it.

I was racing across campus, running as fast as my feet could take me—I was never really a very fast runner. I desperately pulled out my schedule, I had to be in Mr. Howards exam room 2B in two minutes, but unfortunately I had no idea where that was. Even after the pre-tours and countless maps they had given us, this campus was every freshman’s worst nightmare.

Then sun was as bright as ever, I was wearing high waisted shorts that stopped mid-thigh, a V-neck shirt and some flip flops I threw on.

After trying to skim the area, I finally stopped in front of the classroom I was supposed to be in…not too pleased when I saw realized that the door was locked and class had started a few minutes ago. I’m late.

The door opened suddenly, and I got ready to beg for forgiveness.

“It’s alright. Typically, freshmen don’t know their way around here. But this is just a warning, be late to my class again and I’ll have to give you detention. You must be Kylie.” The professor said, looking down at what I’m guessing is the class roster.

I let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god.”

I took one of the empty seats, slipping off my book bag, pulled out a notebook, then looked back up. People were chatting and sitting together in pairs.

“Because Kylie here was late, and some of you don’t understand, I’ll explain the assignment again. It is due at the end of the semester, and the assignment is where you need to get a partner, and—”

He was interrupted by the slamming of the classroom’s double doors. Everyone’s eyes fell on the guy that was walking in like he wasn’t ten minutes late. He was empty handed, and didn’t seem to mind either. I couldn’t see too well from all the way in the back of the classroom, but it was obvious he didn’t have a pass on him either.

“Ah, Mr. Howard I haven’t seen you since last night. Looking good.” The guy said, taking the apple off Mr. Howard’s desk and taking a bite of it. “Didn’t get breakfast.”

“Kyle, now is not the time. Class started a while ago, so your being very disruptive. Take a seat.” The professor said, seeming irritated.

“Yes, father.” He said, putting emphasis on the word ‘father’, and earning a couple gasps from different parts of the classroom.

“Sit, now.” Mr. Howard demanded as Kyle raised his hands up in surrender, and took the empty seat beside me.

I could already tell I wasn’t going to like him. He seemed extremely full of himself, cocky and didn’t seem to respect his father at all. He smelt like he had just come out the shower, but as he distracted himself with the apple, I took the time to study his profile.

His hair was a sandy brown color, and was cut short and tussled everywhere like he had just woken up. He had a strong jaw line, and high cheek bones with light stubble on his chin. He was tall, much taller than his father, and I couldn’t make out his eye color because he was facing the front.

Before he could catch my gaze, I turned around and engaged myself in what the professor was discussing.

“Like I was saying before my delinquent son so rudely interrupted me—”

“Love you too, pops.” Kyle said, sarcasm leaking off his voice.

His father clenched his jaw. “Anyways, find a partner and do something that can show the class what they do in their day to day lives. Nothing too personal, but just enough so the class can get to know them, just by watching your presentation. Kyle, Kylie. You two were late, so you’ll will have to work together on this. I’ve already paired everyone else up. I’ve had students do PowerPoints, and posters but try to be a little more creative...”

Kyle turned to me with a smirk growing on his face as his father continued talking. “I think we can do something…creative.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

And that’s when I knew for sure. This was hate at first sight.

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