Chapter 1

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Chapter one: karaoke and.... Gummy bears?

"What's your idea?" Kyle asked. We were currently sitting in the local library... Bored to death as he balanced a lead pencil on the bridge of his nose; well he tried to anyway.

"Maybe, we write it. Like a background story. Or type it. " I suggested. The pencil fell, and he looked up at me like I was crazy.

"Are you kidding me?" He laughed.

"No..?" I said unsure.

"I'm not writing shit."

"I didn't say to write shit. I said to write--" I replied but was cut off.

"Yeah, yeah.. Smart ass. But like I said I'm not writing anything. That's too much work." He sighed as he propped his feet onto the table top. I pushed them off with a scoff.

"Well, you think of something then." I snapped. He put on his 'thinking' face, and then snapped his fingers together as he exclaimed.

"Aha!! I get it. We'll start a video diary. I'll video you, you video me. Simple." I thought it over and sighed.

"Not bad.. We'll start now." I told him.

"Okay. Meet me back at dorm 1A." He gathered his stuff.

"Oh yeah being your phone or a camcorder." He then trudged out of the library.


I went to my dorm and gathered a camcorder, a laptop, my phone and some note pads and made my way across campus and into the boys dormitory. After I had changed of course. I was now in a pair of jean shorts, a black ruffle tank top, and black converse.

Before I could even knock on his dorm door, it flew open.

He smiled and stepped aside to make room for me.... I shoved past him and into his room.

"Hmm." I hummed. He had a decent sized room. Mine was bigger although.

"Yeah, just because my dad is a professor here, I don't get any special treatment."

He sighed heavily, as if he was depressed about it.

"Okay, now set the camcorder up on the tri-pod, and we'll not even act like its there." He finished. I did as he said and hit record.

"Wait. We need to go out and do something. It'll be so boring if we just sit here and record ourselves." I pointed out. A sly smirk was formed is to his face as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"You don't want boring? I can make it interesting, surprisingly fast.." He winked. I scoffed and grabbed the tri-pod and handed it to him as I took my camcorder off.

"Nice try. Lets just go to a karaoke bar." I suggested. He thought it over and soon we were in his truck, rocking out to 'Do You Remember'- by Jay Sean, on our way to the karaoke bar.


"This place seems.... Cozy..?" I said as we entered the karaoke bar. Kyle nodded in agreement and we walked up to the front as we sat down at a table in front of the stage.

"What would you like to drink?" I turned to see a cute waiter. I smiled at him.

"I'll have a cola. And you Kyle.?" I turned to Kyle who was looking at me already.

"I don't know Kylie... I'll have a coke. Diet. Don't wanna mess up my.... Figure." Kyle smirked.

"Cute names. Are you guys' siblings, or something." The waiter asked as he winked at me.

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