Chapter 2

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Chapter two: Heaven-angels; or Hell-demons.?.

"Kylie... "I heard a faint call of my name. My eyes snapped opened I was surrounded by black.

"Where am I?!" I muttered to myself.

"Your in between." A voice called in.

"In between? Huh!!? In between what?" I asked as I stood up.

"Heaven and Hell, of course." The same voice piped in.

"What?!" I shrieked. The voice chuckled.

"You have to choice. Heaven- with the angels. Or Hell- with the demons. You must choose fast."

"Heaven. Duh!" I shouted.

"Well, hurry up and confess your wrong doings to see if you have passed the test."

"Okay. When I was eight, I told my mom that my older brother had pinched me, when in reality I was the one to pinch him. And he said he would tell on me, and I said 'if you tell on me. I'll tell on you.' And he asked what for and my mommy wouldn't believe him over me. So I told him that I would tell mommy that he called me a name or was the one to pinch me and then he pinched himself to get me into trouble. He got in trouble and I got away Scott free.

.-when I was ten, I stole a piece of gum from my moms purse.- I buried a live cat at the age of five.- I over fed Mr. Gold, my pet goldfish, to make him fat and he ended up eating so much that he became obese and died. The other day in dance practice, I was teaching a class and I yelled at them because I was having a bad day." I fessed up, with a sigh at the end. The voice was now chuckling, so hard.

"Kylie. Wake up." The voice said . I was confused. Aren't I awake.?.

The next thing I know, I open my eyes and I'm surrounded by white. I'm in heaven!

"No, no you're not. You're in the hospital. I had you believing that you had to make a choice. Heaven or Hell. And I got it all on video tape." I heard a males deep chuckle and then they started full on laughing.

I turn my head to see a smiling and laughing idiot. None other than Kyle Howard.

"What?" I snapped as I went to sit up.

"Be careful." He pushed me backdown onto the bed.

"You've been out for eight hours. That hole left a nasty mark, and left you with a concussion." Kyle sat down on my hospital bed.

"This is your fault." I glared.

"Nope. It was all yours. You should've handed me the bowl like I had asked."

"That's the thing. You didn't ask. You demanded.... BIG, wait NO, HUGE difference there." I snapped.

"Yeah well... I'll see you later. I have things to do and people to see." He picks his phone from the table stand by my bed as he stood up, popped his back and strolled out.

"Prick." I mumbled.

"I heard that." I looked up to see Kyle's head in the door and then he was gone....


It's been hours and I've been by MYSELF! With nothing to do, other than watch Disney channel.

"Good afternoon, I'm Dr. Andrew Hamilton, and I will--" he stopped once I turned to face him. He visibly gulped and took a deep breath.

"Uh, are-are- you okay.?" I asked him. He nodded and sighed with a nervous laugh. He had dark brown hair, blue eyes, a strong jaw line, and he looked muscular.

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