Chapter 3

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Chapter three: hungry hippos and Mexican VS. Italian.

It's been two days since I've Ben out of the hospital and I haven't talked to Kyle ever since I fell asleep in his arms.

He's called 23 times in the last hour. It's it like I'm avoiding ing or ignoring him... Or anything..

Alright, you got me. I am. I just.. It's going to be awkward.......sort of. I mean after I fell asleep, he was still playing with my hair and rubbing my back.

I woke up and he had already signed my sign out sheets. We drove back to campus and walked me to my dorm. I smiled and without a word to each other, I slipped in and shut the door.

I haven't been to any classes since it is the weekend. It's now Sunday, and I have an early class with Kyle. Professor Howard's class. So undoubtedly, I'll have to sit with Kyle and talk to his dad about our progress on the project that is due in 9 weeks.

I want to hurry up and get this project done so that I can move on in life WITHOUT Kyle Howard in it.

I mean come on its been TWO hole freakin' days, and I can only think Kyle. It's constantly Kyle this... Kyle that.... Kyle, Kyle, KYLE!!!

I was brought out of my thoughts about Kyle when a knock was sounded on my door.

I through back the blanket that was covering me, whilst I lay in the couch, and I pushed myself up Nd trudged to my dorm door.

Without looking through the peep hole, I unlocked the food and dreaded opening it, once I saw who it was.

"Kyle." I breathed. He Lear against the door frame as he crossed his arms over his chest

"Where have you been?" He asked with an accusing tone.

"Umm... Here...?" I said unsure of how to put my words.

"Why have you not been answering your phone.?" He asked once again with the same tone.

"I lost my phone." I lied easily.

"Oh yeah.?."


"Is it the same one that's flashing on your couch.?" He pointed behind me.

I turned around and my eyes widened.. That was my phone... Shit!!

"Uhm.." I swirled back around as he wore a smirk.

"Uh huh." He accused pushing himself in. I shut the door and he went to my phone.

"I've now called you 32 times.. " he said. Wait! 32?? I thought it was 23?! I must've been deep in thought, that I didn't hear the other ten.

"I didn't hear the last ten.." I mumbled. He chuckled and tossed my phone back on the couch.

"Let's go." He pulled his keys out from his pocket.

"Where?" I asked.

"The park. I have to babysit and your coming with. I need to get some footage." He opened my door for me.

"Hold on." I said and ran through the living room and into my bedroom. I stripped from my pajama shorts and tank top. I pulled on a strapless bra, and grabbed one of my summer dresses.

It was white, and had a colorful floral pattern. I pulled on white buckle flats and let down my hair. After I had showered this morning, I didn't straighten it and so it lays in its naturals waves.

I closed my bedroom door and walked out to find Kyle on MY phone, sitting on my couch. I pulled at my strapless dress. It went mid thigh. I grabbed my dorm keys and cleared my throat.

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