Chapter 5

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Chapter five: dress shopping; and drugs...

It's now Friday, tomorrow is my parents stupid party, and I'm currently at the local mall, searching for the right dress. It can't be too formal, nor too cozy.. It has to be just right.

I trudged into Rue 21, and as soon as I did, plastic and soft perfume hit me. The smell was overbearing. Even though the smell was strong and sort of sickening, I carried on looking for a dress.

Nothing.. I guess I can try Forever 21. Maybe I'll be lucky..

I stepped into Forever 21, and thank goodness that he didn't smell as bad as Rue 21. I walked through the store, aimlessly looking for the right dress, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a worker.

"Can I help you today?" She smiled sweetly.

"Uhm, sure. My parents are hosting this event tomorrow and I need a dress. Not too formal, and not too comfortable. Any suggestions?!" I asked as I shrugged one shoulder. She beamed at me brightly as she yanked on my hand and pulled me to the back of the store and into a storage room.

"Okay, this isn't supposed to be up until next week, and we got an early delivery so...." She trailed off as she turned on the light switch to reveal racks and racks of clothing.

"Let's see here... Hmm....?" She hummed and started searching. I just stood.. Just stood there..... Looking awkward..

"Aha!" She exclaimed. She came back to me, her arms behind her bad as her lips were rolled into her mouth.

"I. Found. You. The. Perfect. Dress." She squealed as she rolled on the balls of her feet.

"Can I see it?!" I asked slightly annoyed by her. She smiled, showing her pearly white teeth as she pulled the dress out from behind her back..

I gasped...


I stepped out from the shower, and wrapped a towel tightly around me. I towel dried my hair until it was damp. I walked into my closet, pulling on a strapless skin colored bra, after dropping my towel. I pulled on underwear and grabbed my dress.

After putting on my dress, I dried the rest if my hair, rolled in so that it fell down in curls down to my waist. I add natural make-up. Gotta keep it light. I piled on black glossy pump heels and examines myself in the mirror.

My black cocktail dress was above mid-thigh, as it clung to my every curve. It was backless, and the top front was a strapless heart shaped lining.

My red hair was in soft ringlets down to my waist, my bangs were French-braided back into my hair, my eyes were coated with mascara, and silver eye shadow as black eyeliner out lined my entire eyes.

My lips were stained red, and my cheeks had a pale pink tint to them.

I added a few black and silver bangles on my wrist, a diamond ring on my middle finger, a pair of diamond stud earring along with a silver. long-chained heart locket exclave.

I smiled and grabbed my silver and black outlines wristlets and shove my phone into it as I grabbed my car keys. I locked my dorm door behind me and started off to my car.

As I approached my truck, I saw a figure leaning against it. I get closer and closer as the figure came into my clear view.

Cursing under my breath, I unlocked my truck with the remote that hangs on my key chain.

The beep let off and he jumped up from leaning on the side, startled. I heard him curse and I giggled, letting myself be known. He turned to me with a glare.

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