Chapter 6

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Chapter six: Noodles and hiking.

It's been two days since my parents party. Yesterday I was too hungover to even leave my bed, other than to puke. And today I have a horrible headache.

I haven't spoken to Kyle since; and don't intend to. But, of course I have to. We still have a project to finish. We had several video clips and whatnot.

I stepped out of the shower and blow dried my hair, pulled on a tank top, yoga pants and a Eric Church concert t-shirt.

I brushed my teeth, ate, and pulled on my shoes. I exited my dorm, to go to my 3:00P.M. o'clock class.


Stepping into Mr. Howard's room, I prayed that Kyle wouldn't be here today.

I couldn't face him... I just wasn't ready, I mean I almost raped him. I'm such a horrible person. But,...., I was under the influence.

But that's not an excuse for my adolescent behavior the other night.

I took my seat at the front and brought out my paper and pen, just as Mr. Howard called me over towards his desk.


"Kylie, I was wondering.... What is your progress on the project so far. Kyle won' tell me, says, 'it's going,..' And that's all he says." Mr. Howard chuckled. I smiled at him as he sat down behind his desk.

"Well, Kyle as I have got some vide---" I was cut up by a hand over my mouth.

"Do not tell him. Dad, I seem you went behind my back..?" Kyle said with a smirk.

"Yes, yes I have son. I need to know." Mr. Howard whined.


"Because, you're my son, I gave birth--well I didn't actually give birth to you but hey, it took me to produce you and without me--"

"Dad!" Kyle shouted as he pointed towards me. Mr. Howard blushed and apologized to which I just chuckled and said, 'it's fine.'

"Okay, class is...starting.. Take your seat." Mr. Howard said, suddenly professional. I chuckled and took my seat as Kyle joined beside me.

"Okay, good evening class. We are taking a trip tomorrow. We're camping out for four days, so.... I need to to pack, and be ready for a three mile hike. We will be fishing and all that good stuff. Bring a voice recorder, not a video recorder so that you can't take notes on anything that you might learn about your partner and you can put it into your projects." Mr. Howard told us. Some groaned, but I love camping; and fishing, but I get sea sick too easily.

Soon the bell rung and I packed up my stuff, before I could escape the classroom Mr. Howard called me back.

"Kylie..." I turned and Kyle looked at me weirdly before going towards the door.

"Kyle.. As well." Kyle cursed under his breath and we walked toward his dads desk together; side-by-side.

"You guys can bring a video cam corder, since you guys are doing that.." He said. I nodded and made my escape.

"Kylie!" I heard my name being called. I whirled around just as Kyle jogged up to me.

"Come over an we'll throw a slides how consisting of twenty seconds together for out video clips." I nodded and soon made my way to my dorm. I grabbed my phone, laptop, and camera and flounced offtowardthe boys section and Ito Kyle's dorm; without knocking.

He was in the couch watching TV. Silently I crept up begin him.

I touched his shoulder lightly, and when he wet to look at his shoulder, I yelled,

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