Chapter 4

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Chapter four: Bowling and dogs.

"Are you serious?" I asked into the phone.

"Yes. Deadly." My father replied..

"I can't believe this!" I snapped at him.

"I can. Make sure you're not late. You can bring someone if you'd like." Father said softy.

"I'm not coming to your party. Forget it. And I'm not talking to Aaron either." I told him sternly.

"Yes you are. I have other things to do than argue with you Kylie. Ill see you next week; saturday at 4. Sharp. With a date!" And with that my father hung up. I groaned and through my phone against the wall. It shattered.

"Mother fu--" I screamed but was interrupted by a knock at my dorm door. I stomped to it an pulled it open.

"What?!" I snapped without thinking.

"It's nice to see you too." Kyle said as he pushed his way in.

"Kyle, now.... Is not the fucking time." I said with a warning in my voice. He whirled around so fast that I could've had whip lash.

"Since when do you speak so vulgar?!" He asked.

"Since I got a phone call not ten minutes ago. Now. Leave." I pointed to the door.

He flopped onto my couch with a smug look.

"No can do sweet cheeks.. Oh and-- oh my gosh. What did you do to your phone?!" He asked as he went and picked up the pieces.

I sat down onto the coach.

"I threw it." I shrugged.

"I see that ! Why?!" He asked

"Just.... Because." I crossed my arms stubbornly.

"Stop being so damn secretive!" He snapped. I turned my head to him in disbelief.

"You know what.?" He said after we stared each other down for a few minutes.

"What?!" I asked exasperated. He stood up, grabbed his phone and his truck keys.

"When you learn to actually communicate and not be so damn secretive, call me." And with that he stomped out, with a slam of my door.

"Damn." I muttered after I had realized that I couldn't call him. I have no damn phone!

I guess it's time to go but a new one. Hey this gives me a reason to buy the iPhone 5.

I'll do it tomorrow.


I had just got home, and I had my new phone. I had Alreasy inserted the same sim card, so that i had my same number. AND I planned on calling Kyle, but that's the thing, I don't know his number!!!


But, why should I call him.? It's my life and I want it personal.

I'm not going to just flat out tell him stuff that he would most likely put in his video diary of me.

Why would I tell him that, I told my only brother, to go to hell, that I hated him and that I had hoped he died, all because he ruined my first date. I was fourteen then. I didn't know what the hell I was talking about. But what hurts me the most is that I had told him that, a day before he had left for war.

I beat myself up. He never wrote to me, just to mom and dad, and I never wrote to him.

When he'd call, he'd talk to mom or dad. He wouldn't even mention me.

Surviving College With Kyle(Being Edited)Where stories live. Discover now