Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven: Waterfalls, and.... Cougars.?

"Kylie...-- Kylie.." I faintly heard my name being called. My eyes fluttered a few seconds before my vision came to.

Kyle was standing there, hovering above me with the other students along with his father, the professor.

I mentally face-palmed.

Groaning, I sat up and professor Howard pushed his son out of the way.

"Kylie... Are you okay.?!."

"Uh... Yeah...?" I murmured.

"Get her some water." He ordered. I noticed Greyson Colton, a quiet, but gorgeous guy, stumble from the circle of people that was around me, and seconds later come back with a water bottle.

He squatted down and opened up the cap, and put the bottle to my lips and tilted it as water flowed from the bottle and into my mouth.

"It's mine, but I promise you I don't have any... Diseases or anything." He tried to assure me. I smiled deeply at him as I saw the blush creep up his neck, and spill onto his cheeks.

"Thank you, Greyson." I slowly but surely stood up, gripping onto Greyson and professor Howard as they helped me. My legs were wobbly, my foot was throbbing and my back... I can't even explain the pain that was going on back there.

I let out a grunt of pain as Greyson and professor Howard helped me hop into an already put up tent.

The tent was huge, no huge.... Would be an understatement. Six people could fit in this green tent.

I sat down on the sleeping bags as professor Howard went back out and started taking to the other students as Greyson and Kyle came in.

"Dad.. He gave me the first aid kit, so take off your shirt and let me look at your back." Kyle patted the first aid kit that I just realized was in his hands.

"I'm not taking off my shirt." I scoffed.

"It would be best, or at least raise it up and put your back to us. He needs to clean the wound before it gets infected." Greyson said softly. I smiled at him and from the corner of my eye I could see Kyle sticking his finger down his throat, in a gagging motion.

I discreetly pinched him, still looking at Greyson.

Kyle cleared his throat and my eyes flickered to his,

"What are you going to do?" He asked as he sounded bored.

Sighing in defeat, I turned my back to them an raised up my shirt, making sure it covered my breast.

I felt Kyle's cold fingers trace my back and then, I felt loose.

"Did.. Did you just unbuckle my bra.?!." I asked incredulously.

"Yes." He answered blunt.

"Jackass." I murmured under my breath.

"Heard that. Now.. This might sting a bit." Kyle warned. I nodded and I felt a hand clasp mine.

"When it hurts, just squeeze." Greyson said shyly as a blush crept up his cheeks and he kept his eyes from anywhere but mine.

"Tha---ahhhh, mother of fudge!" I shouted as the liquid that Kyle applied started to burn.

"I'm sorry. So sorry." Kyle kept whispering as he ran a small cloth on my back, most likely wiping the blood off that was now dry.

I bit my lip until I tasted blood, I was already squeezing Greyson's hand to death that I thought I even heard him wince.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2013 ⏰

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