Chapter 1

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Puck's POV
I was bored. Who would have thought a giant death trap, full of surprises, like the Nevernever could ever be boring?

Certainly not me, chaos personified. I sighed, and made the decision which would change everything. I was going to visit the Unseelie court and possibly get myself killed. That was always entertaining. I chuckled at the thought of fighting some ice trolls and red caps.

I made my way toward the court, pondering all the trouble I could bring Mab without being killed. Being a Summer faery had made sure I'd had an entertaining life to say the least. Especially since I reveled in aggravating well, everyone.

I knew I was close to the Unseelie lands, as I could feel the woods turning frigid.

Charlotte's POV

I sighed quietly, bored out of my mind. Unseelie court wasn't exactly known as a fun place to be. Mab was currently punishing a gang of red caps for attempting to destroy one of her favorite sculpture gardens.

Once the heartless ice queen had sentenced the red caps to death, I cleared my throat quietly to catch her attention. "My queen, my I please have leave to freshen myself?" I ask, making my voice so quiet only Mab could hear it.

"Of course, dear. But do hurry back." her voice drips with sickly-sweet honey. I nod, before I curtsey and excuse myself.

Once free of the eyes of the court superiority, I sigh and allow my stiff posture to relax. And I shiver. Oh boy, do I shiver. Even through my ice blue velvet dress and black sleeved cloak, I was freezing. I had never acclimated to the Unseelie court's freezing temperature.

Wrapping my arms about myself, I scurry down the back halls. At the end, there is a small door that led to the woods. I had always knew I was vastly different from Mab and my 'elder brother' Ash, whom I had never met. I knew the tale of Ash, the Last Son of Mab, and the Forbidden Love of Ash and the Summer King's Daughter, Meghan Chase. Queen of the Iron Kingdom. Every one did.

But Ash hadn't bothered to make an appearance for my joining of the Court. "Some big brother," I scoff, before exiting the castle. I begin to run. I know if I'm not careful, I could be injured or caught. I was almost to the edge of the woods when I saw a flash of red. The next instant, I was on the ground, a warm body beneath my own.

"Jesus, watch where the hell you're going, you icy-" The body and voice belonged to the now speechless guy sprawled beneath me.

"Are you a-?" I attempt to ask.

"A Summer faery?" he smirked. He then nodded, and his eyes wandered down. The faery had fiery red locks, emerald green eyes, and simple clothing, light but quality. "Robin Goodfellow, but I'm also known as Puck, Prince Charming, and Robbie. And you, my beauty?"

"Ch- Charlotte. Of th- the Unseelie c- court." I managed to say, my teeth chattering like mad.

Puck's brows raised in surprise. "You mean you're the daughter of that frigid bitch, Mab?" I nod. "Then why are you cold? You're supposed to be a powerful Winter faery."

"I don't know. I've always been this way, I guess." I shrug, then blush, realizing I was still laying atop Puck. I scramble to get up, and he helps me.

"Well, Snowflake Princess, its a pleasure to meet another misfit." Puck wrapped his arms around me, instead of shaking my hand like a normal faery. But I don't pull away because, unlike the members of the Unseelie court, I -strangely- trusted him, and I was freezing.

"Wait, what? 'Snowflake Princess'?" I question.

Puck laughs at me, and begins skipping about. There was so much joy radiating from him that I felt drawn to Puck like a moth to a flame.

"Come on, Princess! Let's go for a stroll through the Wylde Wood. Its warmer there!" Puck grabbed my hand, and I almost started following him.


"I have to go...." Puck raised his brow.

"Invite me in as a visitor from the Seelie kingdom. After meeting you, I have no intentions of disrupting or causing trouble in this court," Puck grinned.

"If you get killed...."

"I won't."



"Fine. Suit yourself."

"Don't worry. I will." Puck smirked at me, and I felt my stomach flutter like a morning dove's wings.

I knew then and there, this boy was going to be a pain, or perhaps a massive mistake. I led him into the castle anyhow.

A/N: Thoughts? I didn't make too many changes, as I quite liked the first chapter.

Snowflake Princess (Puck, Iron Fae) [Revising]Where stories live. Discover now