Chapter Six: The Incident

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Chapter Six: The incident

I woke-up to sunlight through my windows. I got up and went into the bathroom and took a warm shower. Cold air gushed throughout the bathroom.

"Belle, Hazel and Riley are here" I heard Layla and Faith's voices.

"Ok, can you please give me some privacy?" I turned the shower off and the door slammed shut, the one day I forget to lock the door. I quickly dried myself and brushed my hair before getting dressed and walked downstairs.

"You're here" All the boys, except Isaac and the younger ones, ran up to me and hugged me.

"Yes?" I was so damn confused

"We thought you snuck next door last night"

"And why would I do that?" I raised an eyebrow. "What youse watching?" I curiously looked at the TV.

"Teen Wolf marathon" Owen said hyped up.

"And you didn't think to invite me?" I put my hand to my chest and acted hurt. Lane picked me up and carried me to the couch and sat down next to Isaac. I leaned over to him.

"You're gonna get it for what you did last night" I warned him before looking at the still image on the TV. It was Scott holding a baseball bat on the patio of his house. Liam un-paused it. Stiles falls upside down from the roof and they screamed. Lane jumped underneath me and by reflex I jab him in the stomach with my elbows. I must have gotten him good since he was breathing heavy behind me. I smiled slightly.

After 24 episodes of teen wolf seasons 1 and 2 we all went to bed since it was 11 pm on a school night. I quickly got undressed and into some random pjs'.

I woke-up to the alarm on my phone. I quickly ran over to my phone turning the alarm off. I grabbed some green skinny jeans, a black singlet and a long sleeve fish-net top. I went into the bathroom.

"Oh God, are you serious right now?" I saw my twin brother wearing nothing but a towel.

"What's wrong? You don't like my style" Isaac said with a toothbrush in his mouth. I rolled my eyes and went to turn the shower on, as Isaac walked into his room. I closed the door and locked it before locking the others and getting undressed and into the shower. I closed my eyes as the water flowed over my body. The masked face appeared and covered my mouth.

"Hello Belle, did you enjoy your marathon yesterday?" He asked. He felt so real, I felt so real, I felt like I was in a trance. I started to feel pain. I snapped out of it, the water around my feet turned red when I was in that thing. I heard banging on the door and Isaac yelling. I turned the tap off.

"What?" I asked him as I dried myself.

"I heard something crash in there" he yelled through the door. 

"I'm fine" I looked back in the shower; glass was shattered everywhere. I must have leaned against it during the trance. I quickly got dressed and went into my room. I grabbed my boots from my cupboard and put them on. My hand started stinging again. I had a slice across my palm. I grabbed a tissue, went into the bathroom, wet the tissue and applied pressure to my hand. I got rid of the blood and chucked the bloody tissue into the bin. I covered it with one of those white bandages the Doctors and nurses' use, and cut off the visible extras. I ran downstairs.

Isaac tried, and I repeat tried, to be subtle as he half ran half walked to me as I hugged Layla from behind. He grabbed my arm and lifted me over his shoulder carrying me into the next room.

"Are you ok?" he asked searching me.

"Yeah I'm ok, but I can't say the same for the second and third shelves in the shower" I bit my lip and shoved my sore hand into my pocket.

"What happened?" Isaac had concern written on his face.

"That's the thing, I don't know exactly" I looked down. I tried to walk away but Isaac grabbed my arm. I closed my eyes as to stay away from his. I jerked my arm away from him and using my other hand I punched him contacting him who knows where. I opened my eyes to see the confused look on his face. He is usually the violent twin but today I am. I sat down next to Hamish and Owen and began to eat my toast. When Isaac finally appeared he had a dazed look on his face and a black eye.

"What happened Zachy?" Liam spoke. Isaac saw me and pointed at me.
"How did you break him?" Owen nudged me. I stood quickly, put my plate in the sink and shoulder budged Isaac as he was in my way. As I left the room I grabbed my school bag and went outside, I went straight to the sidewalk and walked in the direction of the School 5 km away.

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