Chapter Eighteen:How Many?

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The day seemed to flow by quickly. I stayed with Kaelyn and Grayson until home time. I waited for Lucy at the car-park.

"Hey Grizzly Bear, why are here?" Owen asked gesturing for the car.

"I'm with Lucy today doing aunty/ niece day" I waved to them as I saw Lucy's car and walked over to her. I hopped in and Lucy speed off to the hospital so I can have my check-up.

"Thanks Lucy for everything." I thanked her.

"That's ok honey, whatever you need I'll be there for you" she parked the car and we went into the ultrasound room to check everything.

"um Belle do you want to know what I found?"

"Yeah I think so"

"You don't have a baby" She looked at the monitor.

"But the test it was positive and the signs." I don't understand.

"There's three"

"What? How is that possible?"

"You have a family history of multiples and so does Sterling by the looks of things. Your father is one of the triplets with Roger and Harrison. It is very possible for anyone of us to have multiples."

"I'm having triplets?"

"Yes, honey, do you want one of my siblings or someone else to be your midwife?"


"Cory, Ross or Lexi"

"Lexi, please if she's available, Ross can be plan B"

"OK honey, do you want a picture of the babies"

"Yes please"

"OK I'll print it out and then I'll drop you off at home."

"Thanks" Lucy left and got the printing and I rubbed the gel off.

"Let's go" Lucy stuck her head through the door. I grabbed my bag and followed her to the car.

"Here you go" Lucy gave me the ultrasound picture. I thanked Lucy when she drove into the driveway. I hopped out and waved as I walked up to the front door and walked up to my room hiding the picture under my shirt. I pulled out my phone door and walked up to my room hiding the picture under my shirt. I pulled out my phone and texted Peyt.

"Hey can you give me Sterling's number?" I texted.

"Sure 0452661046"


"Hey Sterling this is Belle please meet me at the tree-house" I texted to the new number.

"Be there in 10" my phone bussed and I grabbed a coat and went downstairs to go outside. As I reached the tree-line little Shadow was at my feet and TJ was running towards me with Fai.

"Hey Guys are you playing with the pups."

"yep" TJ said picking up Shadow,

"Where are you going?" Fai asked

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes" They responded without hesitation.

"I'm going to my tree house don't tell Isaac. If anyone asks I'm walking around the woods."

"OK" They ran off and I walked up to the tree-house. Sterling was standing at the bottom of the ladder waiting for me. I climbed up the ladder and unlocked the lock before opening the hatch and climbing into the small space. I opened the little door and walked into the living room, I sat on the couch and waited for Sterling to come up.

"Wow, this is cool"

"Yeah, my dad is amazing. I had my check-up about the pregnancy and I have some news"

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