Chapter Ten: New Arrivals

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Dad and I went to the office.

"What is wrong, did you have a fight with your twin?" he asked.

"Yes, but I don't know why I hit him, it felt like reflex." I told him.

"does your hand hurt?" He pointed to my blue cast.

"No' the door opened and my twin fell into the room. I faced dad and acted like he wasn't there. He didn't leave so I left and went to the little tree-house in the forest. Dad built it when I was 10. I started climbing up the wooden ladder with one hand, I was nearly at the top when my foot slipped and I fell.

"What on Earth are you thinking?" I was in the arms of Green eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him confused.

"You were climbing a tree with a cast on your hand. Who on Earth thinks that's a good idea?" he asked.

"Me" I smiled at him. What the Hell am I doing?

"You have 10 seconds to put her down before I get the boy Squad." A young male's voice warned. I jumped out of Sterling's arms as Isaiah walked out from the trees. The boy squad consists of Hamish, Liam, Owen and Isaac. Lane is sometimes a part of it, depending on the situation.

"Hey Aiah," I hugged my 12 year old brother.

"Hey Isa," He had something in his hand

"Happy Birthday" It was a present, he gave me the small parcel. I opened it, it was a necklace with a whole heap of metallic rectangular plates. I took a closer look, each plate was divided by birthstone. Tears formed in my  eyes. I hugged him again.

"It's beautiful, thank-you" I gave him the necklace and turned around. He locked the clasp and I thanked him again wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Its your birthday today" Sterling asked dumbly.

"Yeah" I dragged out.

"Happy Birthday"

"Thanks" I dragged out again. Aiah Grabbed my hand and Started walking away from Sterling, I waved at him and smiled slightly as we began walking to the house.

"What are we doing?" I asked him.

"Going home"


"Dad asked me to come get you. Something has arrived at the house." He was trying to keep it a surprise. When we went inside there was a big box in the living room. The box started yelping and I took a closer look , inside was seven little pups. I saw a German Shepard, Dalmatian, Bulldog, Cockapoo, Chocolate Labrador, Mix-breed and a border collie. Layla ran in and started giving names to the pups, she picked up the German Shepard and Dalmatian.

"This one is Chase and this one is Marshall" She put them down and picked up the Cockapoo and Bulldog.

"This one is Skye and this one is Ruble" She put them down and picked up the Chocolate Labrador and the Mix-Breed.

"And this one is Zoomer and this one is Rocky" she put them down, we now have our own Paw Patrol. I picked up the Border Collie.

"Shadow, I think her name should be Shadow" I started patting her head.

"That's a nice name" Isaac stood in the doorway. Charlie was beside me playing with Marshall, she grabbed my hand and started patting his tummy she leaned into my shoulder.

"I think he should get an apology." She whispered then gave me a knowing look. I sighed and went over to Isaac and grabbed his hand before going to my room. I went over to my bed and put Shadow on the mattress I went over to my cupboard and grabbed the medium sized box wrapped in wrapping paper.

"I'm sorry for giving you a black eye and attacking you. Happy Birthday" I gave him the present and went to the bed and grabbed Shadow.

"It's okay Isby, why did you feel the need to attack?" he asked pretending to be a counsellor.

"I could ask you the same thing with the problems involving Ryan, Kurtis, Daniel, Logan, Grayson, should I continue?" I asked

"Hey Grayson got lucky, Ricko pulled me off of him before any real damage happened"

"You know there are Four little boys that look up to you and one of them is exactly like you?" I warned/informed him.

"And you have La-La, Fai and Brooke"

"I make sure I act mature around them"

"Your hand..." he pointed to my cast, I put it behind my back. "Its wrapped up, what happened?" There was a knock on the door.

"Isabelle may I see you please? Alone" Dad asked.

"Zachy, Pool you comin'" Owen came in and jumped onto Isaac before they ran out through the bathroom exit.

"Dr Willows just rang, what the hell happened to you?" Dad came and sat beside me and hugged me.

"He's back, the masked face is back, it feels like his watching me and controlling me. He comes to me in my dreams and he came to me in a vision or something in the shower. I put my hand through the shelves and the pain brought me back." Tears started falling "At the Hospital when I was put under he told me that Emma's Incident wasn't and Accident and I was meant to be in the car too. He also took off his mask. It was Mr Raul, when he said Em's name he called her Emma Katherine" I cried into his shoulder, he hugged me

"Funny that you mentioned him, Mr Raul was brought in for questioning last night. I think your little gift will make you a good law enforcer." He chuckled kissing my forehead.

"And I wonder how many times I'll be arresting IsZac throughout my work life?" We both chuckled.

"You need to put her back with the others." Dad nodded towards Shadow who was walking around aimlessly. "Are you going to hop into the pool?" He asked

"I guess so" I went and put on my togs before picking up Shadow and taking her downstairs to the other pups.


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