Chapter Twenty: Organising the Announcement

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I woke up with Lucy, Charlie and Emma in the room around me. Wait I'm not in my room.

"Hey Belle" Lucy greeted me.

"Hi" I sat up.

"The four of you are going to be fine now" Lucy reassured me.

"Great" I smiled rubbing my belly.

"What happened?" a teenaged boy ran into the room.

"I'm fine Sterling" I comforted him.

"Isaac tackled her and she is fine now." Emma told him.

"Do they know?" Sterling came over and whispered into my ear. I nodded.

"But the others don't" I told him.

"When are you going to tell them?" He asked.

"Not to pressure you or anything but you better tell them soon because you are going to grow faster than a normal pregnancy since you have multiples. When your mother had Faith and those boys she had her baby bump at 6 weeks. You probably have 5-7 weeks before your baby bump will appear, and let me tell you now those weeks will fly by quickly" Lucy warned.

"Ok we might do it tomorrow" I took a deep breath this just got real.

"Would you like Lara and I to come along for support." I nodded

"Yes please" I said "Do you think dad would be okay with having people over?"

"I'll cook with Charlie and Dad would be okay with that and Hazel would most likely insist on helping too"

"I'll look after Riley too"

"Don't push yourself too much. You are pregnant after all."

"Riley can be my practise, since Sterling has Cohen"

"Who?" Sterling asked

"Your brother" I slapped him.

"Oww you mean Coh"

"Yeah how old is he?"

"3 months"

"Same as Riley"

"Who is Riley?"

"Our Niece"

"Well I'll discharge you and you will be able to go home and some rest." Lucy left to fill out the paperwork. I pushed the sheets off and hopped off the bed. I lost my balance falling onto Sterling who was standing beside the bed. He leaned into my ear.

"If your dad doesn't kill me for getting you pregnant would you like to go out on Friday night?"

"Is the Sterling Noah James asking me out?"

"Yes how do you know my middle name?"

"I got it from a source" I smirked.

"Peyton Elizabeth" He grumbled as he picked me up and carried me to Charlie's car. Another car pulled up near ours and a girl hopped out and walked over to Sterling and grabbed his Shirt.

"I swear to God Sterling, you and Ross are going to get it" She dragged him towards her car

"Abigail" he waved at me as he blushed, I hopped into the back seat. The hospital was still in sight when I fell asleep thinking about the possibilities of the different outcomes of tomorrow.

I woke to someone's face in mine. I screamed and he put his hand over my mouth I slapped it away.

"Why did you do that?" I stared at him.

"Do what?" He asked innocently

"you shoved your face into mine IsZac, why are you annoying me so much?"

"Must be your pregnancy hormones" how does he know


"Puberty hormones, you know how when you become a teenager, your body changes to prepare you for adulthood

." I threw a pillow at him to shut him up.

"What is the time?" I asked him yawning.

"1pm" he said causally. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my blue Shirt and dark denim jeans before heading into the bathroom to have a shower. I put my hair into a fishtail and went downstairs to help out.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty" Hamish kissed my forehead.

"Hey Mishy" I hugged him before going to Charlie and Em. "Hey Girls" I greeted them.

"Lucy's medication worked like a charm" Charlie said to Emma.

"Where's Owen?"

"He slept over at someone's house" Charlie giggled.

"We think it may be Lukas James" Emma informed me.

"When are the James' coming over?"

"Soon why don't you ask Sterling?"

"That's a plan" I got my phone and texted him.

"When are you coming over?"

"Now we'll be there in 10" he responded instantly

"Is Owen there?"

"Yeah, why?"


"The James Family will be here soon with Owen" I told the girls and they giggled.


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