Chapter Eleven: Pool Time

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Layla was singing something as she walked down the stairs. She had her blue and red Paw Patrol one piece on.

"Hey La-La, do you want a piggy back ride to the pool?" I asked. She nodded and jumped onto my back.

As we walked over to the pool I saw a few extra faces around the pool. The Quints were here; Addison, Ben, Lukas, Peyton and Sterling were scattered throughout the area. I put Layla down and she ran over to Brooke and Claire. As I was scanning my surroundings, I realised that someone was missing. Someone picked me up and threw me into the pool. As I resurfaced I saw that missing person standing on the edge of the pool laughing very hard.

"LIAM!!!!"I screamed before going down and swimming over to the edge and jumping up to grab his ankle as I pulled him towards me as I went down into the water. I resurfaced again and swam over to one of the Quint girls.

"Hi Addison?" I greeted her unsure of who I was talking to.

"I'm Peyton but please call me Peyt. Addison likes Dissy and Sonnie, she is over there with Lukas he prefers Luke. Luke is the male Quint with Brown eyes. Ben and Sterling are the identical ones" She corrected me and pointed towards the girl and boy who were talking.

"I'm Belle normally, just point to the person you want to know about who isn't a part of your family and I'll tell you about them."

"What about Liam..." She pointed to the brother who was still in the pool. "The one who threw you into the pool."

"He is 21, Lane and Emma are his best friends. He is doing a Pre-Med class in Uni. How do you know when you are talking to Ben or Sterling?" I asked.

"Since you are close to our age and not a part of the family; Ben will say he is Sterling. Their Personalities are completely different; Sterling is cheeky, playful and Kind, he is also very caring, warm-hearted even. Ben is responsible, dependable, analytical and friendly. If you don't know whether it's me or Dissy, I'm the quiet and mature one. Dissy is sometimes loud and outgoing. Just FYI" Peyt informed me. Peyt and I talked for ages and eventually they had to leave. Lane and Hamish talked to the Quints before they left and all seven of them looked suspicious.

As I was relaxing I tried to figure out what those people were doing to make them so suspicious. Something pulled me under water. After failing at trying to resurface I blacked out.

"Belle you have to go back you shouldn't stay. Please leave now before your body dies keep fighting baby, stay there and fight. Your father needs you."

"Mum... is that you"

"Yes my baby, go back to your body please I watch you guys all the time, don't worry about me." She disappeared.


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