Chapter 23 - Lost

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Evelyn's POV

I stared at Aaron's retreating figure. He was running away from me...again, and it hurt. I was shocked and confused. Shocked because I cannot believe what had just happened and confused because I don't understand why Aaron ran away. At first I was going to sprint after him obviously, but then I'm pretty sure that students wouldn't want to see a rotting corpse along their corridor. 

It took everything in me to turn my back towards the main enterance. When I had done it, I sighed and glanced down at the poor girl. I clicked my tongue, shame she had to be a nice one. Amanda Roberts, a lovely girl. I don't teach her but I heard about her from other teachers. I bent down and gently closed her eyes. "I'm sorry," I whispered with full knowledge that she couldn't hear me.

I slid my arms beneath her and scanned my surroundings, there was no one. Everyone was in lessons, so I ran towards the car, opened it and put her in the back. Wow, that sounds so cliche I know. I rubbed my forehead and groaned. This was terrible, who was I kidding? It's definate that the weres are gonna find out about it and press charges. But there was no way in hell I was going to let them have Aaron. No freaking way. I needed to speak to him first, let him know that I am not mad...just a bit confused and worried.

I tried to call Aaron but he didn't pick up, it was worth a try anyway. I locked the car and re-entered the school. I went straight to John's class, I knew he was teaching but what had happened was too big to wait. I knocked on his door and poked my head in. 

"Miss Ambrosio, what can I do for you?" John asked with a cheerful smile, his class was reading a book or something.

I cleared my throat and said, "can I have a word, please?"

John frowned, probably feeling a bit hurt that I didn't smile back at him. Gosh I felt guilty but Aaron was the only one in my mind right now. 

"What's wrong, Princesa?" he wondered.

I sighed, "not here."

He nodded and went back into his room to say, "finish reading the book, I won't take long. Not too much noise, ok?"

As we were walking out of the school, John kept on giving my puzzled looks but I just shook my head. Once was were outside, I blurted out, "Aaron lost control and killed a girl."

"What?!" was his immediate response. "Are you being serious? Where is the body now? Please tell me it's not in the school."

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Calm down a bit and no, I put it in the car."

"The car? You put a dead body in the car. Which is parked in a school car park, school car park?" John stated.

I clenched my teeth and spat, "it was either the car or the corridor. Be grateful it's in the car, I chose it over my Aaron." I was being a bitch and I knew it but I couldn't stop myself.

This made him stop, "where's Aaron? Did he run?" he said in a neutral voice.

"Yes, I need to find him before he does something stupid."

"Like what kill a were?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath. "Look, I don't care about anybody else right now. Aaron's gone, I need to find him. He can't handle himself right now. He needs me."

John ran his fingers through his hair and replied, "we can't just concentrate on Aaron right now. He's out there somewhere and he's a threat to everyone right now. We need to warn the pack before it gets anymore messy."

I groaned in frustration, letting my anger bubble over. "We do not have to inform the pack right now Jonathan. First of all, we need to find Aaron, before he kills again."

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