Chapter Two: Get Better Soon

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[Kyle's POV]

That night after me and Bryan left the hospital, I decided to stay over at the apartment. I mean it was the right thing to do after all, I didn't want to see Bryan alone while Johnnie was in hospital. "Hey uh, sorry about going off at you earlier. I didn't mean to. I mean what you did was probably an accident." Bryan said after unlocking the door to the apartment. "No worries man. Look I just got a little lost after trying to find my way out of some building and I ended up here, and poor Johnnie stabbed himself because of me." I said sadly. "Yeah. Anyways, what do you want to eat, I mean, surely you must be hungry by now. Right?" Bryan asked caringly. "Nah man. I'm good. I think I'll just like watch a movie or something. Say wheres the remote to your TV?" I asked curiously. "Oh uh, it should be on the table. You'll know it when you see it." Bryan said with a smile before taking some popcorn out of the kitchen cupboard and putting it in the microwave. I looked down at the table and saw the TV remote. I picked it up and a romantic movie came on and I began watching it. It was the story of a guy and a girl on a ship. But then towards the end, the girl saves herself and the guy goes underwater and stays like that. Completely frozen. Its sorta sad. Kinda like me and Johnnie. Speaking of whom, my phone just went off. It was a text from the guy himself. I opened up the text and it said 'Kyle, will you bring in Bryan. You both should visit me in the hospital. I am outta surgery and watching this crappy movie about a ship called High Maniac or whatever. Anyways come in soon. Love Johnnie.' I stared into the distance as my heart began to warm up. "Ayo Bryan. We need to see Johnnie. Can you drive us to the hospital?" I asked in curiosity. "Dude, seriously, I haven't eaten an you want me to drive us to see Johnnie?" Bryan said in a curious tone. "But Bryan. I need to see my baby." I said before getting on my knees and putting my hands together and started crying. "Ugghhh! Fine. We can go see Johnnie. But you don't have to be a little weirdo about it okay Kyle." Bryan said helping me up off the ground. And so, about five minutes later, we left the apartment and my heart began beating.

[Bryan's POV]

I swear, this will be the last time that Kyle comes over and hangs out. Nah. Just kidding around. But I don't know why Kyle has suddenly developed feelings for Johnnie. I mean sure Johnnie is cool and all but why does Kyle like Johnnie? Hmm... this confuses me. I walk to the carpark with Kyle following me. I get in the drivers seat and he gets in the passenger seat. "Now, Kyle. When we get to the hospital, do not try anything silly so you will get yourself kicked out. Got it?" I said sternly. "Yeah sure Bryan. Sure." Kyle said smiling. Okay. Everything seems fine. Off we go. And we leave the carpark and get onto the roads to drive to the hospital. Five minutes later the song 'Kick Me' by 'Sleeping With Sirens' comes onto the radio. I have the volume on low but Kyle turns it up a little and starts singing. I focus on driving and turn the corner and we end up being lost. Why are we lost. Anyways we see a sign that says 'Greenhill Insanitarium'. I look at Kyle. Kyle looks at me. "Bryan, do you think that this was the hospital Johnnie is in?" Kyle says to me with a scared voice. "Uhm... No. But we can find out." I say as I park the car. We get out of the car and start walking up to the 'Greenhill Insanitarium'. We finally reach the doors of the insanitarium and we knock on the door. We hear footsteps and about 10 minutes later someone comes and opens the door to let us in. Once we are inside, we are guided by a lady who looks like she doesn't want to work here but decided to work here because it paid well. "Uh, hey, miss, do you know anyone by the last name of Guilbert?" Kyle asked cautiously. "The less you know, the better. I mean I could tell you where your friend is, but seriously, you wouldn't believe me." The woman said. I sighed and said "Listen, missy, we are looking for Johnnie Guilbert and we don't know if this place is the right place or not. I mean we don't know if he is here or if he is somewhere else." The woman looked at me and said "You boys seem nice but, just wait here while I get my assistant to check our records for a Guilbert, Johnnie." before walking off. I looked at Kyle who looked scared as ever. "B-B-B-Bryan. I thought I heard someone screaming. The noise came from the backyard of this place." Kyle said in a scared voice. "Calm down Kyle. It was probably nothing." I said in a calm tone. The woman came back and said "Okay, well your friend is in the west wing, and he is in room 12F." I sighed and said "Thank you. Come along Kyle." and then walked down to room 12F with Kyle following behind me. About 20 minutes later, we finally reached room 12F and as we peered in the window and saw Johnnie jumping on the bed and saying "WOOOOT! GO TEAM GO! YEAH! GO! YOU ROCK!" Kyle knocked on the door. Johnnie turned his head around and smiled. "Oh hey guys come on in. I am just enjoying my favourite show. Its called 'Funtastic Land of Mr McGoo'. Its really good! Mr McGoo is playing sport and winning." Johnnie said before going back to cheering. We walked in and saw that there was nothing but static TV. "Um, Johnnie, I dunno what your seeing but, we don't see the show your seeing." Kyle said in confusion. "Oh, well, you have to use your imagination. I mean, I swear its on, because I can hear them talk and see them and stuff. Its like a really funny show." Johnnie said smiling. "Oh well Johnnie, what else is happening?" I said in wonder. "Okay well, now whats happening is that Mr McGoo has been crowned the champion of the sports team and he is sharing his prize with his friend Miss Duckley the duck. Oh and by the way, Mr McGoo is a classy vampire angel. Its amazing. OH NO! MISS DUCKLEY'S IN DANGER! WHO WILL SAVE HER! I KNOW! MR MCGOO! COME ONE MR MCGOO! SAVE MISS DUCKLEY FROM MR FISHBAN! HE IS BAD NEWS!" Johnnie said to the static TV. "Um, okay dude, we have to go. Isn't that right Bryan?" Kyle said before starting to leave. "Kyle, we didn't come here for nothing. We're here to get him outta here. Come on we are checking him out." I said with attitude. "But Bryan! He's insane!" Kyle said a little worried. "Kyle, don't you 'But Bryan' me. I know how you feel. But we won't leave here without Johnnie." I said, a little annoyed before walking out of the room leaving Kyle to stay put with Johnnie.

[Kyle's POV]

Uh oh. I am scared. Why did Bryan leave me here with a maniac. Well I mean he's a cute maniac but still... Why did Bryan leave me here alone with him. Doesn't he get that being in an asylum is pretty freaky shizz!

[Johnnie's POV]

"Hey Kyle." I smiled wildly. "What... Is... It... Johnnie?" Kyle asks cautiously. "Lets play a game of hide and seek." I say as my smile grows wilder and I pull out a k-nife. "J-J-Johnnie! You don't wanna do this!" Kyle says backing towards the door. "One. Tew. Three. Foor. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nein. Ten! Ready or not. Here comes Johnnie!" I say insanely as I watch Kyle bust open the door and start running. I chase after him and follow him.

[Bryan's POV]

As I am at the receptionists desk to ask the assistant about checking Johnnie out of the hospital, I begin to hear screams. And so I ask "Uhm, hey, do you know why there is so much screaming going on?" The assistant looked at me and said "Sir, all I can say is that it is one of our other patients who is also insane but she just likes to screams as she was never taught to talk so if she says a word, and then she screams after it, that means its an accomplishment for her." I sigh as I see Kyle run past me and then Johnnie. "Uh, we'll take good care of Johnnie. I promise." I say as I sign the release papers and then run to catch up to Johnnie and Kyle.

[Kyle's POV]

We finally come to a stop and it is on the top of a bridge. I see Bryan in the distance and I thank him for coming after us. "Johnnie! What is your problem man! Why are you so crazy dude!" I say in curiosity for wanting to get answers. "Because. I am crazy for you Kyle." Johnnie says while edging towards me with the k-nife in his hand. "JOHNNIE! PUT DOWN THE K-NIFE!" Bryan yells out. Johnnie drops the k-nife. "GOOD! NOW JOHNNIE, STEP AWAY FROM KYLE AND COME TOWARDS ME!" Bryan shouts out. Johnnie walks away from me and goes towards Bryan. "GOOD! NOW KYLE COME AWAY FROM THE EDGE CAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!" I stepped away from the edge and walked towards Bryan. Wow. What a crazy evening it has been.

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