Chapter Six: Moving On

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[Kyle's POV]

It feels like a very long time since I haven't talked to Johnnie. I wonder how he is. I mean sure he did something stupid to me, but now a new week has begun. I mean I dunno. I hope he's fine. 10 minutes later I hear a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I say in curiosity. "Uh... Kyle... It's uh... Me..." a familiar voice said from behind the door and so I said "Just a minute Johnnie, I'm fixing my hair." I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me and I began to cry. How could I let him back into my life when he did that thing to me. It was strange and unnatural. About 5 minutes later I heard a knock on the door and so I yelled out from the bathroom "GO AWAY JOHNNIE!" But nobody replied. I was confused, why would a mysterious person come to the door but not say anything. So I yelled out "JOHNNIE YOU STILL THERE?" No answer. I sighed and a minute later I heard a female voice say "Can you let me in, I have gotten lost and I need to use your bathroom." I sigh and yell out "UH WAIT A SEC!" I get up off the bathroom floor and wipe my face with my shirt. I breathe in and out before leaving the bathroom to go unlock the door of my house. About a minute later when I do open my door, I see a girl with brightly coloured hair. I smile and say "Uh, hey... I'm Kyle." The girl smiles and says "I'm Alex. May I come in and use your bathroom?" I smiled and said "Sure. Why not. Come on in Alex. After all. It is cold out there." I then walked into the kitchen and made some soup, because on a cold night like this, soup is always the best. Well, thats my opinion anyways. I turn around and I see Alex. She is standing right behind me and smiling. But how did she get to the kitchen so freakin fast? I mean its not possible. Anyways I smile awkwardly as I turn my back to her and walk into the kitchen. "So, Kyle." Alex says as I notice her in my kitchen, walking towards my cupboard. "Uhm... What?" I ask curiously because I wonder why she keeps getting in front of me so fast. "Well... I was wondering... If..." Alex asked with a cute smile. I closed my eyes and said "Wondering if what?" Alex turned to me and said "Why have your eyes closed?" I opened my eyes, looked down and began walking towards the bathroom while chanting "Take me to Johnnie" really quietly. About ten minutes later I made it to the bathroom, and so I locked myself in and refused to come out of there. Looks like things were going to be bad for me, but that was until I checked the bathroom cabinets and draws. For some reason, they had food in it. Looks like I can survive after all.

[Alex's POV]

I look around for Kyle but he seems to have run to the bathroom and locked himself inside of it. Does he not like me? Am I not cool? Ugh! Who am I kidding, I am wonderful. But, I just don't know why he is doing what he is doing. I mean he could tell me he likes someone and I'll just leave him alone. I mean seriously. Why...

[Kyle's POV]

I stare at my phone and I text Johnnie 'Where are you? ' He responds minutes later 'Just about to get on the plane to see you. Got Bryan with me. #bryonnie #justkiddingkyle #ilykyle #imissyoukyle #loveyoubabe *kissface emoji* *kissface emoji* '. I sigh and smile before saying silently "My baby is coming to see me. My honey pie Johnnie. He's so kawaii." I smiled again as I knew I couldn't stay mad at Johnnie for such a stupid thing that he did. But just then I heard a knock on the door. "Alex, could you go open the door? I'm busy." I said to Alex. She walked over to the door and opened it to find Johnnie standing at the door. "Um... Kyle, theres someone here to see you." Alex said in curiousness. "Awesome. Send him in." I said as Johnnie ran in an gave me the tightest hug ever. "Baby, I'm not ever going to let you go again! Not even if we are apart, you have to know something..." Johnnie said before breaking into song "AND I, I I, WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU OOH!" I then began crying as he meant the world to me. Johnnie then stopped and said "Wanna get outta here? I sorta left Bryan waiting outside." I laughed and said "He'll be fine. Just stay with me and Alex. We'll watch movies all night." Johnnie laughed and said "And leave Bryan to die? No way dude! That's super uncool. He's like a brother to me." I sighed and said "Fine. But just remember who loves you enough to forgive you for that thing you did." Johnnie looked at me and then to the door and then back at me. "So, what is your decision Johnnie?"

[Bryan's POV]

What on earth is taking that kid so long. He should have apologised and came out of Kyle's house by now. If he doesn't come back with in the next minute, NO, second, I am definitely leaving. Hmm... Whats this? A text? From... WHAT! NO WAY! Andy wants to talk? Okay I'm deftly leaving. Sorry Johnnie, but me and Andy Biersack are going to hang out and your not coming with.

[Johnnie's POV]

Gee how can I answer Kyle. I mean, he just asked me wether I choose him or Bryan. Hmm... Tough decision. "Uhm... Kyle do you mind if I walk outside to see if he is still there?" I ask in curiousness. "Go ahead." Kyle said before walking into the kitchen. Ten minutes later I walk outside and I see that Bryan is nowhere to be found. Where is he? I walk back inside and tell Kyle that Bryan is nowhere to be seen. "Well, I guess your staying with us Johnnie." Kyle says with a smile. I smile and say "So, what shall we do Kyle, Alex." Kyle smiles and says "Oh close your eyes, real tight." I laugh but then close my eyes. What was Kyle planning to do with me?

[Kyle's POV]

I laugh and go to find a very thick piece of folded cloth. Once I was done, I return and put it around Johnnie's eye region before tying it tightly at the back of his head to make sure he couldn't see. "Alright. Open your eyes." I say cheekily. "Uh, Kyle, why is it pitch black in here all of a sudden? I can't see a thing!" Johnnie said in an annoyed way. I then get Alex to strip Johnnie down to his underwear and socks, as I run off to get a dress, duct tape and a sponge. "BRR! WHY THE HELL IS IT SO COLD ALL OF A SUDDEN! KYLE IS YOUR HOUSE COLD?! LIKE SERIOUSLY IT FEELS LIKE WINTER IS HERE!" Johnnie says in annoyance. "Oh hey Johnnie, its me Alex, uhm, yeah it is cold in Kyle's home. I mean I am getting a chill up my spine." Alex said before going to sit down on a chair. I then come back with the stuff and I put Johnnie in the dress. "EUGH! IS SOMETHING CRAWLING ON ME!?" Johnnie asks in a panic. "No." I say calmly as I wrap the duct tape around his ankles and legs. Johnnie then yawns and so I put the sponge in his mouth and duct taped it in. I walked away to put the duct tape back where it came from before coming back with micro foam tape. I put micro foam tape over his hands so he couldn't move them. I then put micro foam tape over the duct tape that was holding the sponge in, so he couldn't talk. I then put micro foam tape over his ankles and legs. "Why are you doing this to him Kyle?" Alex asked curiously. I replied to her "Sweet revenge, my dear, sweet revenge." I then put the micro foam tape on the table and then walked over to Johnnie and picked him up and carried him over to an open cupboard. I then threw him in there, shut the door and locked it so Johnnie couldn't escape. I then yelled "THATS FOR TRYING TO KEEP ME FROM MEETING DAMON FIZZY YOU WEIRDO!" Once I was done, I walked back to Alex and said "So, wanna watch a movie?" Alex sighed and said "Uhm... do I really have a choice?" I gave her a cheeky smile and said "Well, if you say no, I will tape you up in this micro foam tape. But, if you say yes, I won't." Alex looked at me and said "Uhh... sure I will watch a movie with you Kyle... Yay... Fun..." I sigh before thinking to myself how good life was.

[Johnnie's POV]

Ugh! This is the worst! I can't see anything, I can't move much and when I try and say stuff, my words just keep coming out really muffled and so like, what the hell is going on! I just don't understand. I just came to apologise to Kyle and I thought he did accept it. But I don't think he did. God, I wish Bryan was here to save me. But, he isn't. But I need Bryan right now. He's the only one who can save me from Kyle's evil ways. Where are you Bryan?

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