Chapter Three: Insanity

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[Bryan's POV]

It was late at night and I had finally decided that it was time for sleep. I saw Kyle asleep on the lounge and so I got a blanket and put it over him. I then walked into the spare bedroom to check up on Johnnie. Good. He was asleep. I seriously think he needs it after the craziness that just happened. I sigh as I walk into my own room and get into bed and fall asleep. About an hour later, I wake up and I look at the clock. It says 1:00 am. I hear a noise and I wonder what on earth is making this noise at this unearthly hour. So I walk out of my room and I see Johnnie in the kitchen. I stay still and not say anything. "Hello Damon! Do you want a sandwich?" Johnnie says while opening the fridge door and taking out the milk. "WELL NO WAY! YOU CAN'T HAVE A SANDWICH BECAUSE THERE IS NO BREAD!" Johnnie says before opening the milk and pouring it on himself. Kyle awakens and says "Yo dude! What's going on?" I look walk over to Kyle and say "I have no idea man. But maybe something random." I then walk over to the sliding doors that go out to the balcony and I look outside. I then walk outside and stand on the balcony. It is cold and it is raining, but it is peaceful. I stare out into the city and then walk back inside and close the sliding doors. Kyle looks at me and says "Who is this Damon fellow?" I stare at Kyle and say "Never mind. Its two a.m and I am sure Johnnie will be sleeping on the kitchen floor in a puddle of milk and you should go back to sleep now Kyle. Cause I will do the same thing." and then I walk back into my room to leave the drama from the kitchen and so I get into bed, and fall asleep.

[Kyle's POV]

Hmm... How very strange... Johnnie... can... sleepwalk? Uhm... Okay well, this was super duper weird. Hmm... Well... Guess I will go back to sleep and wait until morning because things will make sense then. I mean, I guess if Johnnie was with this Damon guy, he'd let me know... At least I hope so... Anyways I don't want to worry about it.

[Johnnie's POV]

I wake up and it is 9:00 am. HOLY SHIZZ! IT'S MORNING! I look around me and I see nobody is up. I get up off the kitchen floor and wonder why there is a puddle of milk around me. I touch my clothes and they are wet. Hmm... Did I actually sleep in a puddle of milk last night? Oh wow... That's strange... I begin to move but as I do, I trip and fall over. "AAAAGGGHHH FIRETRUCK!" I yell out as loud as I can. I hear someone coming over to me but then I just probably realise I was imagining things. I heard a knock at the door and then I heard a voice from behind it yell "HELLO! BRYAN? JOHNNIE? ITS UH ME! DAMON! I'VE COME TO HANG OUT!" Oh shizz! What's Damon gonna say when he finds out Kyle is here? I gotta find out a way to get out of this puddle. Hmm... Oooh! I know. I have an idea. "I'LL BE THERE IN A SECOND!" I yell before I slowly get up and slowly walk away to the carpet. I then run to my room and change clothes and begin to think out my plan. I think hear Damon from beyond the door. "UH... HOW SOON WILL YOU BE READY TO LET ME IN!" I sigh and yell "JUST WAIT DAMON! OKAY!" I yell and then sigh. I then look around my room and see some ducttape. I grab it. I has an idea.

[Bryan's POV]

I awaken and I hear Johnnie screaming at Damon. Lol. Why is Damon even here anyways. I then look at my phone. Oh... Damon text me at 5:30 am to tell me he was going to come over and hang out. Oh... Far out. Hmm.... Okay... Well... I better get dressed then...

[Johnnie's POV]

I quietly sneak into Kyle's room and pull out a chair facing the wall. I then quietly pull Kyle out of bed and plop him on the chair. I duct tape him to the chair. Uh oh he's woken up. "Uh, hey man... What are you doing?" I look at him and I said "Nothing, just shut up and smile dude." Kyle looked at me weirdly and then laughed and went back to sleep. An hour later I put duct tape over his mouth. I couldn't risk him saying anything especially with Damon now here. So I look about and see a hole in the wall. I push the chair with Kyle on it, inside the hole in the wall, with the back of the chair facing outwards. I knew my mission was done.

[Bryan's POV]

"Sorry I didn't see your text man. I am so sorry. You see I've had someone over and he may not know you but I can introduce him." I say letting Damon into the apartment. "Thats fine man. So what's this person's name?" Damon asks curiously. "Oh his name is Kyle." I said before seeing something out of the corner of my eye but dismissed it. "Oh hey Johnnie! What's up?" Damon says as he sees Johnnie walking towards us. "Oh morning Bryan. Damon? What are you doing here?" Johnnie says curiously. "Johnnie, our friend Damon has come here to hang out with us and our new friend Kyle. Speaking of which where is he. He should be up by now." I say as I look at my phone for the time. "Oh... hehe... Kyle... Oh... You know him... hehe... He's just sleeping in..." Johnnie says suspiciously. "JOHNNIE! WHAT DID YOU DO TO KYLE! I WANTED HIM TO MEET DAMON!" I yell out in an angry tone. "Hehe... what do you mean? He's still sleeping..." Johnnie said while backing away. "I can't believe this." I say before walking to the centre of the apartment and begin yelling out Kyle's name in hopes there is an answer.

[Damon's POV]

Hmm... Whoever this Kyle person is must be very boring because he isn't answering to his own name. Oh wait what's this? I think I heard a little squeak. "Hey Bryan, I think I heard a mumble." I said before pointing to where it was coming from. "Thanks man." Bryan says before running towards the closed door. "OI! KYLE! YOU IN THERE!" Bryan yells before knocking on the door. "KYLE! ANSWER ME YOU LIL TURDBURGER!" Bryan yells before hearing muffled screams. "Oh crap! Kyle's in there trying to get out." Bryan says before trying to open the door. I hear Bryan give a sigh of anger. "What is it Bryan?" I ask. "THE GODDAMN DOOR IS FRIGGEN LOCKED DAMON! HELP BE KNOCK IT DOWN!" Bryan says angrily as I help him try to get the door down.

[Kyle's POV]

I hear noises outside of my room. I then hear my door try to unlock. I try to yell and I try to scream. But it is no use, the sounds are muffled. Dammit! Why would Johnnie do that! Why doesn't he want me meeting this Damon person! Hmm... After about three hours later the door finally gets busted open and I hear footsteps come towards me. "KYLE! ARE YOU OKAY!" Bryan yells out. "Hrm! Hrmphs Hmrryn! Hrmph Mrh Oumph Oum Hmrr!" My words are muffled as I tried to say 'Hey! Thanks Bryan. Get me out of here!'. Bryan laughs and says "What did you say?" Before ripping the tape off my mouth. "Hey! Thanks Bryan! Get me out of here!" I said in an annoyed tone. "Oh. Well Damon has a knife and so yeah. I'll let him do the honours." Bryan said before walking away and this Damon fellow stepped in. "Hi. I'm Damon. I am going to cut you free." I smiled and said "Hey. I'm Kyle. Nice to meet you." Damon then cut all the tape off me and helped me up off the chair. "Alright, who did this to you?" Damon asked. "Johnnie." I replied and ran straight for Johnnie with Damon's knife. "WHY WOULD YOU STOP ME FROM SEEING PEOPLE JOHNNIE!" Johnnie laughed and said "Because your mine. All mine." I sighed and said "Look, we're over! Although I do still wanna be friends with you. But for now we are over. Goodbye Johnnie. Again, nice to meet you Damon. See ya later Bryan." I say before storming off out of the apartment in anger.

[Bryan's POV]

Well, that was definitely something. Anyways, I think I am just going to hang out with Damon and leave Johnnie alone in the apartment. He did a terrible thing and so he doesn't deserve to hang out with us.

[Damon's POV]

"Come on Bryan, lets go. Let's go somewhere BORING where Johnnie won't wanna go." I say as I exit the apartment. "Alright Damon." Bryan says and leaves the apartment and locks it up.

[Johnnie's POV]

Damn, they must be real upset with me. Muh... Who cares. I'm gonna have a party. Woohoo! Andy Biersacks gonna be there, and all them cool people. Woot! I walk up to the door to make sure nobody is about. When the coast is clear, I open up the glass door to the balcony and do 'the signal'. About ten minutes later someone arrives and it is Chris Motionless from Motionless In White. "So, hey Chris." I say with a smile. "Hey. You must be Johnnie. I think Bryan mentioned you once so I know who you are." Chris said smiling. "Cool. Let's rock." I say excitedly. "Well, we gotta wait for my band to get here." Chris says seriously. "Well the thing is, you are a vocalist, I invited CC and Jake of Black Veil Brides, because CC does drums and Jake does guitar. Hmm... on the bass can be me, and then, on rhythm guitar can be my good friend Drakestopher." I said smiling. "This is going to be a long night." Chris said with a sigh.

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