Chapter Ten: The Great Escape.

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[Damon's POV]

I cannot return to the group yet. I must find a way to help save Alex. She is in danger. I don't know how I know this. I guess I can sense it. I need to get to her in time. I must. I then look at my phone and I have received a text from a mysterious number which stated 'If you ever want to see your friend again, come to the following address, and make sure you come alone!'. And so I headed off to the location which was texted to me. Adventures await. A few minutes later everything went black.

[Alex's POV]

After an hour I woke up and I was on the edge of a cliff. I looked to the front and I noticed that this cliff edge was down a deep and darkened hall. I began to hear footsteps coming down the hall as I saw someone draw closer and closer to me. I felt scared as I didn't know who this mysterious person was. As the person drew near I screamed but the screams came out muffled. What I saw was astonishing. It was Johnnie. But, but why? Why would he do such a thing like this to me. I looked down and saw that he had a knife in his hand. Uh oh what was he going to do. My heart began pounding harder as I was going into a state of panic as Johnnie approached. "Hehehehe hello Alex. I bet you are wondering whuhahahha whauahahha why you are hehehehehehe here hahhaahahha. No. But listen Alex, you are here because I don't want you to get in the way of me and my boyfriend Kyle. You see, you are very much of a distraction. Yes. See, if you were out of my life, I'd be more caring and happier because then I'd get to hahahhahahahahhahaha see my baahahhaahhahaby Kyahahahahahale." I screamed out a curse word but it came out as "Mrrf mrrruu!" because at this point in time, I was tied up to a chair and my mouth was sealed shut. And now with Johnnie acting like a psychopath, I am feeling very unsafe now.

[Damon's POV]

I wake up to find myself in an underground cave which is strangely designed like a house. I walk around it and then I come to a deep dark deceiving hallway. I walk down it in curiosity and as I reach the end of the hall, I see light and I also see two figures. One seems to be standing up and the other seems to be sitting down. As I get closer I realise it is Johnnie and Alex. I walk closer to them and smile. "Hey hows it going Johnnie? I see you have found Alex." I say innocently. "Yeah, so what? What do you want me to do about her." Johnnie says without any emotion. "Well, I was thinking you could help me bring her back home and then we could all have a party and then you and Kyle could kiss and then move out and then..." I said before Johnnie put one of his fingers to my lips as if to shut me up. "Listen here Damon, Alex isn't going anywhere and neither are you. If anyone else comes here I will send them away. Understand?" Johnnie said as he lifted his finger away from my lips allowing me to speak. "I understand." I said and Johnnie smiled and said "Good. Now you wait here while I go get some supplies." and then he walked away leaving me and Alex alone. Five minutes later and Johnnie was nowhere to be seen and so I pulled Alex away from the edge. If Johnnie was going to keep her down here, I wasn't going to allow him to kill her. An hour later and Johnnie came back with a chair and a bag. I watched as he placed the chair down. He then looked at me as if to say come over here. And so I walked over to him. He then began tying me up tightly with tape and so I said "Come on man, whats the big idea." Johnnie looked at me and said "Shut up!" and so I kept quiet. Johnnie then got this weird looking suit out of the bag and put it on me and then zipped it up. Man it was hella tight and I couldn't move. Johnnie then lifted me up and plopped me down onto the chair before using ropes to tie me tightly to the chair. "Dude! Seriously, why do you have to do this! I mean come on!" I began to say. Johnnie looked at me and shook his head as he grabbed a sponge and some really heavy duty looking microfoam tape out of the bag. "You know, you don't have to do this I swear I'll keep quiet." I continued before Johnnie shoved the sponge into my mouth and sealed it in with the microfoam tape. "There! Now you can't make any trouble for me. And neither can you Alex." Johnnie said before giving Alex a little kiss on her sealed up lips. Alex was angry and so she tried to say 'F*** you Johnnie!' but it only came out as "Mrrf mrruuu hmmmrrie!" because her lips were sealed. Will we ever escape?

[Kyle's POV]

I looked around and I only saw myself and Bryan lazing around on the lounge of Motionless in White's house. "Hey, where's Johnnie and Damon?" Bryan looked at me and said "Good question Kyle. Why don't you go find them because if they are missing, then its a good chance one of them knows where Alex is." I stared at Bryan and said "You're not coming with me?" Bryan shook his head and said "No. Because if anything goes wrong here, then I do not want any part of it." I sighed and said "Later Bryan." before leaving the Motionless Mansion and went to look for Damon, Johnnie and Alex. Ten minutes later, I passed out only to awaken inside an underground prison cell and hearing faint screams down the hall.

[Johnnie's POV]

I look at Kyle through the metal bars of the prison cell that I put him in and said "Hello Kyle. Did you miss me?" Kyle looked at me and said "Where is this place and why am I here?" I smiled and said "Because your my precious and I can't let my precious go." Kyle looked at me and said "Well, if you don't wanna let me go, at least let Alex and Damon leave. Please! Do it for me Johnnie!" I looked at at Kyle and said "I'll think about it." and then walked away and down the hall to where I kept my prisoners. Ten minutes later, I decided to let Damon and Alex go free as long as they forgot this place ever existed. And so, that is what happened.

[Kyle's POV]

I hear footsteps and I sigh in happiness as Johnnie had let Damon and Alex go. Now, the only problem was, how was I going to escape Johnnie's fire cavern. Hmm... I sigh and look around for a secret door. Nothing. There was no secret door until I stepped on a button disguised as a rock which revealed a door which opened. I walked into it and decided to look around. This place was a mystery.

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