Chapter Twelve: Exploration Demonisation

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[Johnnie's POV]

I sigh and say "Alright dude! Lets go deeper into this cave! I wanna explore!" Kyle looked at me and sighed before hitting a button on his watch and it teleported a few people to where we were. "Why did you do that Kyle?" I asked. "Well, because we need a whole group to explore the caves cause if one of us gets lost, we can sends someone out of these caves to go get help." Kyle said in a serious tone. "Uh... Okay..." I said before walking down the cave with Kyle and the others following behind. About five minutes later I heard a familiar voice say "Johnnie, what the hell are we doing in a fricken cave! I mean it makes no sense man!" I then yelled out "YOUR FACE MAKES NO SENSE BRYAN!" I sighed and continued on, for this cave only leads to an adventurous outcome.

[Bryan's POV]

Why the hell are we all in a cave? I mean, of all places, a cave! We could have explored somewhere else! But nooooooo Johnnie and Kyle decide to explore a f***en cave! Are you kidding me?! A F***EN CAVE! A CAAAAAAVE! Like seriously! WHY! I sigh because this cave is driving me insane and I've only been in here for five minutes. So, I decide to pretend to do one of my interviews and I walk up to Jordan and prank interview him. "Hello, everyone, I'm Bryan Stars and I am here with" I say pointing the microphone to Jordan. "Uh... My name is Jordan Sweeto. Thats Sweet with an Oh." Jordan says into the microphone. I smile and say "So, Jordan, why have you chosen to hang out with us." Jordan looks around and says "Well, I think I am here because I just felt like being Finn today and you could be Jake, well.. technically Johnnie and Kyle would be Finn and Jake, but its still and Adventure Time we are having, am I right?" I smile and say "Whats the worst part of being around us?" Jordan stares up at the roof of the cave and says "Well, nothing really, I mean you're all great people and I would consider you to be my friends and yeah." As we come to a stop, I hear what sounds like a waterfall. I then hear Johnnie say "SWIM TIME! SWIM TIME! SWIM TIME!" and then the water became increasingly louder and louder as if it were going to break through the rock wall that was protecting us. And just as I predicted, the rock walls broke and a huge stream of water flowed through and almost knocked us over. Gee! I wonder what Johnnie was up to.

[Johnnie's POV]

I see my chance to do something. And so I tie Bryan, Damon and Alex together with very strong rope and then I hang them up from a huge stalagmite that was on the bottom of the cave. After that, I took Jordan and Kyle away to the other end of the cave where I told them to stay before returning to the bunch of dangling banana people. "Do you wanna know why you're here and not coming with us?" I ask in a serious tone. "Johnnie, you don't wanna do this. You WILL regret this." Bryan said in fear. "Regret what Bryan? Tying you up and leaving you here to get sick?" I say in a crazy way. "Johnnie, please, you gotta let us go. We have things to do." Damon said before giving me puppy dog eyes. "NO! I will not let you go no matter how hard you plead with me Damon!" I begin to walk away when I hear Alex say "But Johnnie, don't you understand! You will feel lost without us! We are your crew! We won't leave you behind!" I turn around and walk back up to her and yell "OH! ITS ALL ABOUT 'WE' 'WE' 'WE'! AND NEVER ABOUT 'ME' 'ME' 'ME'! I GET IT! I GET IT! I REALLY DO! YOU WANTED ME OUT OF THE PICTURE SO THAT YOU COULD ALL BECOME COOL LITTLE PEOPLE! BUT GUESS WHAT! THIS IS ALL ABOUT ME NOW! GOODBYE!" I begin to walk away when I hear Alex scream out "JOHNNIE! YOU DON'T WANNA DO THIS! TRUST ME! THIS ISN'T THE RIGHT THING TO DO!" I then run back up to her and open her mouth and shove a foam sponge in it and then seal it in with microfoam tape. "THERE! THATS FOR NOT BEING QUIET! NOW THAT ALEX HAS BEEN FORCED TO SHUT UP, WILL YOU TWO BE WILLING TO SHUT UP OR WILL I HAVE TO FORCE YOU TO SHUT UP!" I yell as I look at Bryan and Damon. They look terrified as they both say no. I smiled and ran away back to the others.

[Jordan's POV]

"So, as I was saying Kyle, we should..." I said before Johnnie walked over to me and said "'We should' WHAT! Jordan?" I laughed and said "Oh uh you know, do a vlog about caving eh he he." Johnnie smiled and walked over to Kyle and touched his face with his hand and said "Thats a great idea, don't you reckon Kyle?" Kyle looked into Johnnie's eyes and said "That sounds fantastic babe." Great. Now I couldn't tell Kyle that he should run away from Johnnie because for all I know, Johnnie could be dangerous. I mean, I did see a interesting little thing that said that somebody escaped from the insanitarium. I mean, if Johnnie did escape from there, wouldn't it be safe for him to go back there and get better? I mean for all I know, all this madness could have started the day he met Kyle. I sigh and say to Johnnie and Kyle "You know what, I might just stay here for a while, I got a tummy ache and I don't think I can go on without myself feeling sick. So you two go ahead, and uh, I'll catch up later." Johnnie and Kyle looked at each other and then looked at me and they both said alright before they walked ahead of me and into the deep darkness of the cave. I wait about two hours to make sure that they were gone into the cave. I call out Johnnies name. No reply. Good. I know what I must have to do.

[Bryan's POV]

I look at Damon and wonder why we are even up here. I then looked to Alex and I see her struggling to get free. I sigh and say "Alex, calm down, I mean the worst thing for you to do in your situation to do, is panic." Alex then calmed down but still I could hear her heavy breathing. I looked at Damon again and he was looking down and he asked me "Yo, Bryan, why are we over a hot pit of lava?" I then heard Alex begin to panic and scream out "HMRP PRM ORM MRLMR!" I think she was trying to express her fear for the lava pit below but I looked at her and told her to keep calm. I then looked to the other side of the cavern and said "I don't know why we are over a hot pit of lava Damon. I don't know." Just then I saw what looked to be Jordan walking over to the steps that led up to us. I looked at Damon and said "Hey Damon, I think that Jordan might be here to save us or something." Damon smiled and saw that Jordan was getting closer. About ten minutes later, Jordan was facing us and said "Hey everyone, I can see that your just hanging out because your getting hot right now, but I really need you to stay calm and not panic over what I have to say." Alex began to panic and yelled out "MRMMNC! HRM CHRM HRM NRRM MRMMNC!" Jordan sighed and said "I know this is going to sound crazy, but I saw a thing that said someone had escaped the insanitarium. I mean, what if all of Johnnie's madness is because of meeting Kyle and Johnnie has escaped because he is insane! Now I know what your thinking, I am insane for saying this, but its totally true! And there were pictures and everything! You were there Bryan! You harassed the insanitarium staff!" I gave Jordan a glare of annoyance and said "Jordan, I didn't harass the staff one bit. They just think I did because I distracted them from Kyle and Johnnie's big chase." Damon looked at Jordan and said "Well, I may not have been there, but I do think that its a possibility that Jordan may well be right. But how are we going to get Johnnie better?" Jordan looked at me. I looked back at Jordan and said "Well... We could fake Kyle's death. I mean, Johnnie may end up super sad, but do I care? I mean for the sake of getting Johnnie better, we need to take Kyle out of his life." Jordan smiled and said "Well, I know what to do. I'll pretend to hurt my ankle and I'll call out to Kyle and he will come running to help me and I will then inject him with some stuff that will make him sleep for a very long time." I smiled to and said "I like that idea." Damon smiled to and Alex seemed a little bit happier than before.

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