Chapter 6

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I know that last chapter was very short but this it is a big one.

Frinza's POV:

I was sleeping in my room when I heard someone calling my name and a hand on my cheeks.I open my eyes and saw a mask on his face.

"Get up my love we have to go to our house."a husky,strong voice said,it was the man with the mask."Who are you?"I said crying."Your future husband baby."he said.Now I understood who it was..I just stared at him and said "Please leave me and my family I don't love you."now him eyes were red "If you don't come with me I will kill your family."he said controlling his anger then he took my hand in his and asked me to follow him.I did as he told me thinking about my family,my friends,my love 'Matt' we rushed to the living room and saw some guards holding my family I saw Matt who was trying to get out of the grip of the guards.
"You coward can't you understand Frinza loves me not you idiot."Matt said in his angry voice.
Immediately my stalker took out a gun from his pocket and shot the bullet near Matt's heart.I screamed and ran towards Matt "Please let me take him to the hospital then I will come with you and do whatever you say."I begged him then he nodded and said to one the guards "Take Matt to hospital,don't let them know who had shooted him and keep an eye on her family and Matt all the time don't let them call the cops if they do that kill them immediately."he said.My psycho stalker pulled me away from him and took me out of the house and there I saw a black limousine one of the driver opened the car door and we sat down then the car started moving I was still crying.
"Don't cry love I know it's difficult to move away from your family."psycho said.I just wiped my face by my hands."Oh I forget introducing me my name is Paul Brooks and I'm 20 years old." He said removing his mask.He looked good he had piercing blue eyes and tan skin I just rolled my eyes and turn towards the window.He hold my hand in his."How much time to reach?"I asked he looked at me and smiled "Almost an hour." He said.

*After an hour*

"Finally we reached our house love."
He said.I looked at the house from the window it was not a house it was a huge mansion with swimming pool,football court and a garden with a swing and many types of flowers.We entered the mansion it was beautiful with a chandelier in between."I want to show a suprise to you."he said holding my hand in his and taking me upstair we took me to a room where it was all dark and as we entered the lights went on."Oh my god"I looked at the room in shock he smiled at me it was a room full of my photos some were many years back and some were taken recently.There was a table on which some of the things of mine were there like my pink t-shirt which was lost and a knife from which I cut my finger once while cutting vegetables who keeps a vegetable cutting knife I said in my mind."Look at that picture it was the first picture which I have taken of you."Paul said with a smirk,it was a picture of Me and Ariana walking on the road laughing."When do you saw me for the first time?"I asked him."You and your brother was eating dinner in a Restaurant and I was there for a meeting at the same restaurant I saw you and I fell in love with you at first sight."he said.I just give him a sad smile trying to pretend that I'm very strong but from inside I'm literally broken.

Paul's POV:

She just looked so sad after I showed the room which contains all her things.He might be hungry that's why.It was almost 1:00 am and she didn't have dinner so I decided to give her dinner.I went to the dinning room and asked Martha(my kitchen manager) to make a quick and healthy dinner for her.She made it and Frinzie quietly ate it.
Now Frinza looked a little good "I have another suprise for you and this one I'm sure you'll like it"I said she didn't said anything and looked down I took her to room.We entered and the light went 'on' now she looked a little happy after seeing the room.

Frinza's POV:

My god I saw the room it was exactly the same as I have in my house how could he know that I use love my more than anything.
"You liked it."he said.
"Yes."I said to him giving him a smile."How could you do this so perfectly?"I asked him."I observed it very carefully after all my love liked it so even I have to like it."he said giving me a kiss on my cheeks I just rolled my eyes "I'm just going to leave you alone here.My room is just beside you you can come in my room if you want and don't even try to run all over house there are guards and behind house it's a forest wild animals will kill you and eat you.Your clothes are in cupboard change it" He kissed me and went out side.I was looking in my room and I saw a huge French window in front of my bed I tried to to peep outside of the window suddenly my rooms door was open and Paul came in "That is a window connecting your room and my room so that I can see you when I wakeup and when I sleep."Paul said I looked at him and turned around to take clothes from cupboard."Bye the way I came here to say good night to you." He said I just turned around and said good night to him.I changed at went so sleep on my bed.


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