8) Poptart Problems

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I think I wanna do the authors note first today because I just have a lot on my mind.

This chapter is not really about poptarts...(sorry for you poptart lovers)

This chapter is like mostly Kevin.

It's currently May first as I'm writing this. I'm really nervous for my birthday (4th) Saturday.

And this chapter proves why...

Remember to vote and comment what you think(: And extra thanks to the girls(and boys perhaps?) that already vote exc.

Much love.

-Shyanne xx.



The day was...average. I hadn't seen Nick in days which I was eternally grateful for.

I do think I jinx myself a lot though...

Where was I..? I believe I was either on my way to lunch or going to last hour english...

Anyways my point: I saw him.

Nick Carter.

Ex-Boyfriend, Current Tormenter, and one I truly hated with a never ending passion.

"Ah!" He exaggerated.

He past me.

I clenched my fists.

I swear to God one day, the last day which is May 28th, I'm literally going to beat the living shit outta him and Seth.

I remember slamming my books down when I got to the next class..? Yep had to be last hour English.

This boy had so much power over me.



May 1st, 2013

I was in the best mood I could possibly be in.

Kevin was back from his tournaments, I was having a great hair day, and I looked super cute.

At lunch I was just walking around with this stupid grin on my face.

I didn't necessarily know why.

"Where have I seen that smile before?" All looked at me.

"Not sure." I paid more attention to the blonde haired guy playing basketball.

She followed my gaze.

"That's where! When you and Heather were talking about him at the choir concert! You had the exact same smile!"

I blushed.

Okay maybe I did...

"It's not because of him." I started walking toward the end of the blacktop.

Someone pulled my hood over me and pressed their back against me.

I panicked and grabbed the hands.

I almost fell back onto the -guy I'm taking-

Soon the hands let go and a deep voice chuckled.

I pulled my hood back and groaned.

"Thanks Kevin!" I fixed my hair.

"Haha you're welcome!" he smiled cheekily.

His smile was contagious. Jesus what is this guy doing to me.


I sat in my regular seat for science.

"Hey Kevin!" I called.

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