13) End of the Year Goodbyes

393 8 10

May 28th, 2013

I have to say, right now what I really want to know is why Nick and Hal broke up. Someone said she wasn't ready for a relationship. So in a way it seems like karma, because that's what Nick said to me.

Well at least she beat him to the punch.

You do things you'll later regret when you get on a high of the thought that this is it. This is the last day I'll be at this hell-hole.

The sports awards were boring. The academic awards were tonight at 6. I was getting bronze in English. Shocker xD

I walked up to little Lija and gave her my yearbook.

"Seth! Seth!" Nick kept calling.

Oh no not now.

Seth strolled up to me.

"Hey I know we like hate each other, but would you sign my yearbook?" he smirked.

"Sure." I returned the fake ass attitude.

'I still hate you. Screw you.' I wrote, leaving it unsigned.

I handed it back. I went over nervously and asked Kevin to sign mine.

"No." he smiled.

"Just kidding yeah."

We traded yearbooks.

I quickly flipped to the back before I could regret it.

'I've always liked you xx. -Anonymous'

Thank god he was playing with Mr. B to not notice.

I flipped to the front.

(A/N: I either said:)

'You still owe me a dance haha! Dare to Dream Pigeon. -Two Directions (Selena) xx'


'Dare to Dream Pigeon. Have a great summer! -Two Directions (Selena) xx'

Hopefully the 'xx' wouldn't throw off my identity...

"Hey you never signed mine!" I told him.

He smiled at me ad walked off. Okay...?

I walked over to Hal.

"Hal! Sign my yearbook!" I said.

Nick eyed me.

"Hey you! You should like sign this." he gave me his yearbook.

"Sure." I forced a smile.

I went over to a table.

I wrote:

'You have no idea what you did to me. I hate you.'

Then on the other side I put:

'What He Really Did at Wattpad.com' and left both unsigned.

I left it on the table an walked off.

He looked around like an idiot.

"Table!" I yelled before going off

I hope he at least didn't notice the link...yet. Maybe I should change the title so he doesn't notice! Nah that'a stupid. There are plenty of other stories names WHRD.

When I told Cornella she totally encouraged it.

"I should go up and be like sign my yearbook bastard!" She laughed. I agreed.


"Question." Nick came up to me.

My heart stopped.

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