Poptarts love Sequels too!

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Ello guys!

Well as most of you (probably are) team Kevin. If you do that whole team thing...

Anyways, as I said before I've written a full on Kevin story called Enemies With Benefits!

Well I realized that, hell no I can't stop writing about my life and all the little interactions.

So this is for you guys!

I'm doing a sequel called.....Enemies with Benefits: Freshman because we'll be freshman! Yay!! Kidding I can wait.

Well the story is up>> http://www.wattpad.com/story/7332249-enemies-with-benefits-freshman

But I will not be posting anything until at least the 15th of August, 2013.

Because that's when school starts....*crying*

Okay well fingers crossed it's eventful!

Haha just kidding of course it'll be eventful! It's High School!

Man Kevin is so going to kill me for this....

Well until then enjoy the book!

Hope to hear your feedback as well!

Much love.

-Shyanne xx.

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