Chapter One: Familiar Faces

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"So you going to miss me, Violet?" I say sarcatiscally. She pauses. Laughs a little. Looks at her empty house. Then looks back at me.

"Violet, come on, we have to go now!" Her mother shouts. we both look at eachother one more time.

"Tony, I... I'm going to m-m-miss you so much...." She starts to say, then trails off, with tears welling in her eyes.

"Violet.. shh.. shh.. c'mon now. We're going to see each other soon. We're only fifteen. We still have our whole lives ahead of us.." I pull her in for a tight hug. I give her a light kiss on the forehead and she walks off. With one last glance behind her, she climbs into her car and I watch them leave for Utah.

I suddenly jolt up out of bed. I'm breathing heavily. 'Calm down, Tony. It was just a dream.. just a dream..' I sigh to myself. I pull off the now heavy blankets off of my body, and get a cold glass of water.

Five years today since she moved away.

Five years and we haven't even spoken once.

I sit down on my rather uncomfortable couch and set the glass down on the table.

'I wonder what she had been up to..' I think to myself as I grab this morning's paper...


I burst out of bed with tears streaming down my face. I haven't had a flashback of Tony from over a year ago. I still feel bad for not contacing him all these years. I wonder what he's been up to.

I get out of bed, trying not to disturb my cats. I tip toe to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I see big, green, swollen eyes, tears streaming down my face. Black, tangled hair.

'What a mess,' I think, as I go and grab some tissue paper, wiping my eyes, and blowing my nose. Thinking about this is just all a mess.

It's ten in the morning. My mother is coming over in just an hour. I have to get myself together.

I go out of the bathroom and tip toe back into my bedroom, trying not to wake the cats. I quietly open my drawer and take out a pair of black jeans and a white tshirt. As I start making my way back to the bathroom to comb my hair and brush my teeth, I go to my kitchen and grab a cold glass of water, and sit on one of the bean bag chairs in my living room. I sit there for a moment and wonder what it would be like if I had moved back to New York City. I go and grab this morning's paper from the doorway, and sit back down.


(the newspaper reads)


On Sunday, Juy 19th, 2007, a group of robbers went and robbed five banks and had killed over 30 people while doing so in New York, New York. The thieves were not caught, and the police have no suspects yet. Police think that these thieves are all in a gang, and have planned this for a while now. Anyone that knows something about the thieves, what they looked like, and anything to do with the plans with robbing the five banks contact the police immediately. A reward of $100,000 will be rewarded with anyone that has any information.

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