Chapter Three: The Big Step

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"One day, I'm going to make a suit out of iron, just like that, Violet," while I point at the tv screen of the Iron Giant.

She smirks, and says, "But that's impossible Tony, no one can do that."

I look back at her, getting all serious. "But I will, and you'll help me make it."

"Yeah sure, Tony" She rolls her eyes, and continues watching the movie.



I sit in my seat, breathing heavily. I get up, knowing that I have to get out of here, to get some fresh air.

I can't believe that she's actually coming back, and after of these years of nothing but silence, she decides she wants to meet me.

I stride out of the room, not looking back even though the waitress is calling after me, "Sir! Sir!"

I get out into the street and lean up against a red, brick wall, trying to calm myself down.I close my eyes, and try to imagine what she would look like now. I wonder if she had grown her curly red hair out, if her eyes got any greener.

A few minutes later, I open my eyes again and walk back home. I have to call in sick, because there is no way that I am working with whats going on right now.


I already have all my things packed up by the end of the day. I had put the thought aside until now, and its creeping back up to me slowly.


I wonder if he got my text from earlier today. Would he actually meet me at Times Square? Would he be different?

With all these thoughts running through my mind, I almost forget that I need to get rid of all the stuff that I'm not bringing with me, which is basically all my furniture, and my precious cats. Getting an already furnished apartment in New York City isn't hard to find, but finding one that allows pets is. After figuring out that having a cat in New York isn't good, I had made up my mind that I was giving my mom my cats, even though she's allergic.

I sit down on the empty floor, all my furniture ready to get out of the house. Good thing mother is taking them all in and giving it to my sister, who has an apartment but needs furniture. I am sure of a hell going to miss this place, but I know that i can't be cooped up here any longer. Something needs to change.

I lie down on the hardwood floor, and grab a pillow off of my bed. The last though before I fall asleep is:

I better sure of a hell make it to New York City on time.



I wake up to an early start, because I know that it will take me all day to drive to New York. I call my mother, telling her that the keys to the apartment will be under the mat so she can get all the furniture and the cats, and then hang up for I know that I am terrible at goodbyes. I give my cats some fresh food and water before I leave, and without any hesitation I take the things I need and make the long trip to New York City.

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