Chapter Two: Back To New York

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"Holy crap!" I yell as I jump off the bean bag chair, spilling my drink everywhere on me. "This can't be happening!"

I run to the bathroom and strip off all my clothes. I take a shower, trying not to rush. I put it all the way up on hot, trying to calm myself down.

Thirty minutes later I get out of the shower and get dressed. Mom's coming over in 30 minutes.

So many thoughts running through my head right now. What if Tony got hurt? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he got hurt. I wish I talked to him throughout these years.

I pour myself a bowl of cereal, and go to to the tv, putting it on the news channel to see if anything comes up about the thieves robbing the bank in New York.

It's all a haze now. My mind's going on a blank. Everything around me is blurring out, and I now know what I must do.


I snap out of it, realizing that I must have sat there for atleast 15 minutes thinking about the desicion that I have come to. I go to the kitchen and put my bowl in the sink. I run back out to the door and swing it open.

"Hi, Violet," my mother says, looking impatient.

"Oh. Mom. You're here early," I say surprisingly. I didn't expect her over here for atleast another fifteen minutes.

"I know, sweetie. I just had to leave. Your father and I got into a fight again, and I couldn't stand it," my mother said, with a smile on her face. I never knew why she passed off the fights with dad like that.

"Mom..." I say hesitently.

"Yes, dear?" She asks me. I can now see that shes a little concerened, because I never get serious with her.

"Umm. Well, I've been thinking.."


"And.. after a little while... I.." I pause. Take a deep breath, and look my mother straight in the eyes. Im reassuring myself that it's the best thing I need to do.


I sigh and pull myself up off of the couch.

I drop my newpaper in the garbage while going to my bedroom, knowing that continuing reading the story about the robbers will be a waste of time.

I get dressed and head out the door, locking the place up. Since I have no time to make myself something to eat, I decide that I am going to go to a restaurant since I'm just that classy.

I pass down the already busy streets, looking for a good place to eat. There's some new places that just started, some that look interesting. I glance at a shawarma restaurant. Could be an interesting place to eat. But... not really in the mood to eat meat on a stick, so I pass the place and keep walking.

I get to one of the few restaurants I go to, and wait at the counter.

"Table for...?" the waitress asks, impatiently. Obviously she's new working here.

"You're new. How about table for two if you decide to join me?"

"Sorry, but no flirting with customers until my shift is over."

"Table for one, then!" I burst out. She sighs, and says, "come with me," and brings me to my table, one thats far in the back and away from everyone.

"Another waitress will be out here to serve you in a moment," she says, as she's leaving.

I sit there is shock, staring after her. I shake my head, and pull my cell out and turn it on. 

Zero messages.

I sigh, and set it down on the table. I sit there, tapping my foot, waiting, waiting.. waiting.. But I now know that I'm not just waiting for my waitress. 


"So Violet, what movie are we going to watch?" I said enthusiastically.

"A PRINCESS ONE," she shouted, laughing hysterically. She knew that I hated them.

"Haha. Very funny," I say. I look down at the new stack of movies that my mother had bought me. All so very cool. I pick up the last one in the pile, and look at it. The Iron Giant. "Hmm, Violet, this seems cool! Wanna watch it?" She looks at it curiously, and nods her head in excitment. 

I throw the movie in the VCR and we go and run to the couch.


"Sir? Sir?"

I now look up at the impatiently waiting waitress standing there.

"When did you get there...Oh, um yes?"

"What would you like to order, sir?"

"Uhh.. for now a glass of water please..." I say, almost out of breath from the flashback. She nods her head, obviously annoyed, and walks away. I pick up my phone off the table, trying to calm myself down.

One new message.

I stare it it, thinking who it could have possibly been. I open the text, and read:

Meet me in Times Square at 9pm in 2 days. Im coming back. - V. E

I stare at it for a couple more minutes, completely in shock. I look up and my heart starts beating fast.

I look out the window, and come to the realisation.

Violet Earheart, my best friend from when I was a kid, is coming back to New York.

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