Chapter Six: Armour

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My eyes open heavily, last night's movie still lingering in my head. Half alseep, I rub my eyes, and something that smells delicious wafts my way to the kitchen. I pull myself up from the couch, and turn my head slightly towards the brightly lit kitchen.My eyes fall upon Violet, flipping a pancake, mess all over the kitchen. She looks over at me and smiles, saying,

"You know, it's good that you got up now, or else I would have eaten all of these myself."

I chuckle, and get up off the bed, back aching. I walk over to the table as Violet is setting down the food, and we sit there and eat in silence.

"You know.. I was thinking this morning. And. You know what would be cool?" She said, smile appearing on her face.  I look up from my plate, and ask, "what?"

"You know how you always said that you would make a suit.. and iron suit. Kinda like the Iron Giant?" I nod my head, remembering back to the faded memories of us always arguing about whether I could do it now. "I think.. I think that we could.. possibly do it! Cause you know... you could fight bad guys.. And.. I guess be safe? I don't know.." She looked down and blushed. Was she.. was she concerened for me?

"Yeah. I guess. But don't worry I think I'm already safe as is."


Later that day, Tony had helped me get my few things settled in my apartment. He looked around, amazed that I had found a place like thing, fully furnished, luxury, and yet cheap, in New York. He soon left after, because he had some important business stuff to do.

After he had left, I called my mom, telling her that I was okay, everything went fine and that I had met up with Tony and everything again, was fine.

I soon got showered after the long and stressful day, with the moving in and stuff and adjusting the apartment to how I wanted it to be like. I walked into my bedroom, gliding my fingers across the now mine furniture. The bed looked really comforting. I laid down, and after a while, found myself thinking about Tony. It's only been about a day, but wow. He is just amazing. Riped with age. Like wine.


A couple weeks have passes, and every day had been so amazing, spending them with Tony. After the first few days, I had found myself a job working with Tony, only spending time with him more. We hadn't mentioned anything about the whole Iron Giant idea, but I had found myself sketching a suit of armour when I started to daydream. Of course, I wouldn't have to show Tony.



Sorry guys for the long wait on the chapter. It's short and crappy, I'm sorry about that too, I'm just really busy finishing up summatives and studying for exams. My chapter will be better next week.Leave any suggestions/ comments below. Would really appreciate it.-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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