Chapter Four: Times Square Haze

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Sorry for it being late guys. Been busy.



I arrive at Times Square at 9, and wait about 30 minutes, anxiously scanning the crowd, for some familiar face.

Then I spot her.

The same glowing red hair, longer, even more curlier.She lost her baby fat from we were kids, her jaw more angular, big green eyes popping out of her head. She walks towards me, and as I look at her body, and what she's wearing, I know that I am way overly dressed. Skinny jeans, a fitted black topped, and sneakers. And I'm standing here wearing a tux. Great second impression, jackass.

I start walking towards her, arms out, and she comes and folds into my arms.

The feelings all explode at once, the feeling of happiness because she's finally back here with me, sad because I left her all alone during these years, guilt because I never talked to her once....

She goes back out of the hug, and looks up at me, wonder in her eyes.

"What's with the tux?" She asks me.

"What's with the boobs?" I ask her, laughing a little. She glares at me. "Okay sorry, sorry. You know I only mean well. But seriously. Have your boobs gotten bigger or is it just me?"

She laughs and looks away, arms crossed. She takes two deep breaths and looks down at the ground, then her eyes coming back up to meet mine.

My heart just died a little.


Scanning the crowd, I feel awkwardly stupid. I mean, what if he doesn't even show up?

But what if he does?

I keep on scanning the crowd, and my eyes lock upon a stranger that looks marvellous. Wearing a suit and tie, his hair is combed over, stubble on his face. Even though this is a grown man, I somehow recognize the face.

He looks at me, and smiles, checking me out. I smile back, realizing that I do know this man, from my childhood. Wow, I really screwed this up. I should have worn something classier.

He opens his arms for a hug, and I gladly close the space in between us. I stand there, feeling his warmth, his breath on the top of my head. I smile again, grateful that he came today, grateful that I was best friends with him when i was a kid.


We unlock from eachother, and I look at his now changed face. Really handsome. Humph.

"What's with the tux?" I say, actually wondering why he chose to wear something really classy.

"What's with the boobs?" Now there was something I did not expect. Have they really gotten THAT big? I didn't expect for my face to look so messed up either, because the look on his face gave it away.

"Okay sorry, sorry. You know I only mean well. But seriously. Have your boobs gotten bigger or is it just me?" I chuckle, and look around Times Square, not having been here in so long. I look down, and am glad that he didn't get hurt the other day when the thieves robbed the bank.

I look back up at him and smile.

Wow. This feeling is something that I've never felt before.

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