Chapter Thirteen - By Your Side

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“The baby is fine, for now, but you really need to stop putting yourself into stressful situations because that will just make your condition worse. You still feel that pain in your lower abdomen, don’t you?” I nodded my head in response to the doctor.

“We’ll give you some meds for that to go down, but in the mean time, just try to stay away from stress and anger, okay? Other than that, I don’t see any issues.” he smiled, told me to have a good night, and walked out. Joseph sat in a chair on the other side of the room, Bailey sat next to me trying to look like a concerned father, and Elizabeth stood beside him holding my hand and trying to comfort me.

“Everything’s going to be okay, Allyson.” Bailey tried to grab my hand but I swatted his away. Elizabeth pardoned herself from the room, which only gave Bailey the advantage against me…

“I told you I’m a fucking changed man, damn-it. Why don’t you believe me?” He forcefully grabbed my arms and pushed them down so I couldn’t fight back and smashed his lips against mine. He slid his tongue down my throat and jumped on top of me on the hospital bed. I closed my eyes, tears streaming down them. Why is this happening again? I don’t want this at all, God. Why are you letting this happen? Bailey flew off of me and as I opened my eyes, I saw Joseph man handling Bailey’s shirt and punch him straight in the jaw. He fell right down to the floor and never stood back up. Joseph slowly came closer to me and held out his hand for mine. I accepted it and he helped me stand up. This extra weight on me made it really hard to stand up by myself. He grabbed my back with one hand and the other caressed my cheek. I was expecting him to kiss me when he just pulled me closer and gave me a hug.

“I had no idea… I am so sorry that this blessing was made from such a disgusting act. I wish this was mine,” he settled his hand on my protruding stomach, “and I promise I will treat them like they were.” He glanced back to a knocked out Bailey and chuckled.

“You’re taking him to court and I will be by your side the whole way.” Joseph called the police and explained the situation. They took him into custody since I am underage and were just going to charge him with that until we put our charges on top of that. Things started to go in the right direction for once.

“Where’s Elizabeth?” I asked Joseph once the police left the hospital room we were in.

“Good question.” he smirked. He kissed my cheek and went out into the hall. I sat down slowly and waited for their return. I looked around and suddenly became fully aware of the constant heartbeat on the monitor. I looked at my arms and saw the IV penetrating my skin and the clip on my pointer finger. I was tempted to unhook myself like I did that one day. All of a sudden, an overwhelming guilt poured over me. What if my child is born with a defect or sickness because of my stupid actions? What if I neglect them later on? Can I even handle this child? How can I handle a child when I can’t even handle myself?

“You ready?” Joseph asked as he poked his head in. I smiled and nodded while struggling to pull myself up to gather my things.

“I’m ready to go home.” I said while picking up my phone and bag of spare clothes for we did not know how long the doctors would make me stay. Joseph laughed and grabbed my hand.

“We’re not going home, sweetheart,” he grabbed my chin and made me look him straight in the eyes, “no, we are going to find your parents.” My heart jumped and my stomach sank. I didn’t know whether to be happy or surprised or what. I didn’t know how to feel but all I know is that I wanted it to happen as soon as possible. I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed out the door.

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