Chapter Fourteen - Living a Lonely Life

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“I’ve been trying to do it right. HO. I’ve been living a lonely life. HEY. I’ve been sleeping here instead. HO. I’ve been sleeping in my bed. HEY. Sleeping in my bed. HO. Two, three…” I slowly opened my eyes to see it was pitch black outside of the warm, silent car aside from The Lumineers playing in my right ear. Joseph was sprawled across the whole back car seat with his head in my lap and arms wrapped around my waist. I took the headphone out and heard a light snore coming from Joseph, I couldn’t help but feel my heart warm.

“Morning.” I said to Elizabeth with a tired voice. I looked at the rear-view mirror and saw her eyes were as wide as a cat’s. I noticed coffee cups loaded the passenger seat next to her while the aroma of it overwhelmed me which made me feel sick.

“Where are we?” I asked louder as to make sure she heard me.

“Well, Allyson, I have a feeling that we’re not in Kansas, anymore.” she laughed, obviously a little delusional, “Actually, if I am right, we should be somewhere in Texas. I’ve stopped for coffee quite a bit but I am going to stop once I find the nearest hotel to rest. Oh, and I got a call not too long ago. The police have Bailey in custody, still. They said he will be in there for a while.”  I could tell she was proud of herself for talking to the police about that. I was glad that this was happening.

“Well, I can drive.” I offered. I may be pregnant but that doesn’t mean I can’t do simple everyday tasks like drive. Elizabeth kept denying and said paying for just one night in a hotel wouldn’t dip into the money much but I ended up talking her out of it. Once we hit the city of Dallas, we pulled into a gas station and switched seats. Joseph awoke and sat next to me in the passenger seat, but not before having to make, at least, four trips to throw away the piles and piles of coffee cups. It had been a while since I had driven; when I had gotten into a wreck with Joseph was the last time I had drove, actually.

“Turn left here.” He pointed to a neighborhood filled with semi-identical homes.

“The first house we are looking for is 3456.” I kept driving and just turned when Joseph told me to.

“There, there it is! It’s the house with the red roof.” I pulled up to the only house with a red roof in the neighborhood. It was around midnight but the lights were still on, from what I could see. I looked back to see a knocked out Elizabeth so I didn’t bother waking her up. I grabbed and put on my black hoodie. If these people are my parents, then I don’t want them knowing until I decide to tell them. One surprise at a time. Joseph grabbed my hand and walked me up the narrow cement walkway to the door of my potential birth parents. Being a fairly narrow, yet long, walkway, I walked on the grass and felt the dew fling itself onto my bare legs. It somehow calmed me down before I reached the door. My shaking hand steadily reached for the doorbell but before I could, the door swung open and three masked men ran into me and Joseph, breaking our hold. They all fell over each other onto the moist lawn. Joseph took no time before jumping on top of all of them and made them stay down.

“Call 911,” Joseph demanded, “NOW!” He lost patience with me as I was frozen. I grabbed my phone but walked away, I really did not need another incident like yesterday.

“What’s your emergency?” I quickly explained everything that had just happened but I couldn’t help but stutter almost every word I spoke. My hands began to shake and a small pain started to form. I threw the phone and knelt onto the wet ground. There was a cooling sensation between my fingers. I lied down onto my back and sprawled across this stranger’s lawn. Perhaps they knew and wanted me off or it was just automatic but sprinklers came on and misted me with cold water. I didn’t move, I let the droplets drape over my skin and drown me. I emptied my mind and just stared at the stars. I found the northern star and just imagined what it may look like. Is it a giant ball of fire or ice? Is it white or gray? Is it ready to die or just beginning? Green or blue? Brown or emerald? I bet they will have my hazel eyes. Yes, they will have some of Bailey’s genes but I pray that most of them are mine. Hazel eyes with dirty blonde hair and fair skin, no matter a boy or girl, and I will love them with everything in me.

“Allyson! Allyson? Are you okay? What the fuck!” I heard Joseph screaming faintly. Things seemed to be in slow motion as I looked over and saw red and blue flashing lights. Three men had their hands behind their back and Joseph was running towards me.

“Jesus, are you okay? Allyson, what’s wrong?” He grabbed my face and made me look him in the eye. I began to smile.

“I am completely fine.” I sat up and held my hand out to get help.

“Thank God you two were here, otherwise your parents home would have been swept clean. Everything is in those bags if you want to take them in. We have called your parents and they said they were on their way. Try and have a nice night.” the officer tipped his hat and drove off with the mystery men in the back.

                “Oh my God, thank you both for getting here when you did!” A man exclaimed while getting out of his nice black car. He hurriedly went to the passenger side and opened the door for, who I assumed to be, his wife. Both of them were dressed fancily. The man wore a nice black tuxedo while the woman was wearing a lovely red dress that shaped her curves. They looked so fit and well.

“Uh, yeah, no problem.” Joseph was uneasy with all of these odd experiences. He extended his hand to the man and introduced himself.

“Aaron Gunner and this is my beautiful wife, Gloria.” he smiled, “And is this your wife, Joseph?” he pointed to me, as I was sort of behind Joseph hiding. Joseph was about to speak but I cut him off.

“I’m Allyson Gray.” I extended my hand to both of them.

“Well, Joseph and Allyson, what can we do for the two of you?”

“I’m looking for my biological parents. I was left when I was just a baby and I am searching for them. I am but a young seventeen year old girl with absolutely no known family. The woman I have been living with has been doing some research and she said you two came up as potentials. Did… Did you ever give up a baby for adoption? Or leave a child to someone else?” Emotions started to overcome me but I tried my hardest to keep them in.

“Well, Allyson, I am very sorry but we’ve never had children nor have we tried to. I am so sorry that you have to endure this. You are more than welcome to stay with us to rest up for your journey, though. After all, you did save us from robbery.” Gloria spoke up and took my hand to comfort me.

“Okay… Well, thank you for your time and thank you for your offer but we will just head on our way.”

“Wait! Just wait here.” Aaron said and hurried inside. He came out moments later with a wad of cash and handed it to me.

“For anything you need. Do not fight me, we owe you. Now go, go and find your mom and dad.” He smiled at us and patted our backs as we walked to our car.

“Hey, Joseph,” Aaron called again, “before you leave, take my number and call if you ever need anything. I mean that, also tell me the outcome of your trip.” He patted Joseph on the back again and Joseph took the wheel as I leaned back in the passenger seat and put my headphones in.

“Put your dreams away for now, I won't see you for some time, I am lost in my mind, I get lost in my mind. Momma once told me, “You're already home where you feel loved.” I am lost in my mind, I get lost in my mind.”

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