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*Violet's Pov*

I wasn't pissed. I was beyond pissed. My dad can not tell me sh*t like that when he's doing the exact same thing to a girl that's only a year older.

He can be such a great big fat meanie. I swear I don't know what girls like about him. He's so annoying!

"You okay?" Hayes rubbed my back.

"Uh yeah I'm fine just a little tired." I said.

He hugged me and picked me up holding my waist. My hands were placed around his neck and he started walking to the room.

He set me down gently on the bed with my sister.

"Don't sweat it kid." Tati smiled weakly.

"Dad doesn't know what he's talking about." She added.

I just nodded. It was 12:36 and I was tired. I laid down and closed my eyes.


"Don't deni that you don't want me." A voice said.

"Look, you are attractive but I already have Violet and I'm happy with her." Another voice said.

I smiled. "Babe?" I rolled over.

"Gahh!! We're sinking! We're sinking!" Shawn yelled.

"Sorry Shawn. I just fell." I laughed opening my eyes.

"Get out! Get out!" Hayes whispered pushing out someone.

"Hey who was that?" Shawn asked.

"Oh room service." He said.

Hm do smell smoke? Or is it just me?

"Oh okay." I smiled.

I got up to pee. After that I laid next to Shawn.

"What do you want?" Shawn asked. Not rudely just normal. I guess. Kinda.

"I need to cuddle." I said.

"There's your boyfriend right there." He pointed to Hayes.

"He's asleep and you warm." I said.

"Fine" Shawn said.

I snuggled up into his side. He wrapped his arms around me and closed his eyes.

"Thanks Shawnie." I whispered.

He just hummed. This is what I love about the guys.

They won't think it's weird to cuddle with each other. We're just bros and brosettes chillin'.

I fell back asleep into the warm arms of Shawnie.

Hey I updated! So I made a new book. It's a Shawn Mendes fanfic. I had the idea and I new I would forget it later so yeah.

Enjoy this early update<3


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