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Tati's Pov
I woke up at 7:00 and took a shower. After me it was Violet then Hayes we got ready.

Hayes was in a white tux and we were in our dresses. "You look beautiful babe" Hayes smiled at Violet.

"Awe and you look so handsome." She smiled back.

I gushed over the cuteness and Violet and Hayes got mad of course.

"What?" I questioned. "I can't support my OTP?"

We laughed and headed out. My dad rented the limo a couple weeks before so we hopped into the one parked outside.

The damas and chambilanes were inside. (Idk how to spell those words😂)

We drove off listening to music. Stitched started playing and we all nudged Shawn.

All of the guys were in the limo so it was a tight squeeze. Shawn blushed and looked at the ground.

Turns out his EP made it onto iTunes successful and we celebrated.

*Skip the Church*
(You need to go to the church first before the party btw)

At the hall we were using for our part was spectacular. Streamers banners and everything looked perfect.

Now I just any wait till everyone is here to party with us!

I know it's short but someone (Tatimoostache04) wouldn't stop bugging me about updating. The dance will be in the next chapter. I've been trying to get extra credit for my grade because I have a D in English. Well it's because it's my first class and I'm always late because my little sister so yeah:( wish me luck! Bye!


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