Pixie's Are Real. True Story.

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Chapter 18: Apology accepted

Sakura woke up with a start when the events of yesterday came crashing somehow instantly feeling bad for the way she screamed at Sasuke and let him leave under the impression that she wanted nothing to do with him; she got up and took her phone. She patiently called for the receiver who finally answered on the third ring

"Hello?" Sakura smiled at the voice greeting

"Hey Ino pig" she pulled her phone away from her sensitive ear and a scowl adorned her face when her best friend began shrieking as if she hadn't called in days

"So what do you need forehead?" Sakura smiled 'here goes nothing'

"Uhm would you and the girls join me on a shopping spree? I have a few days off and I thought that perhaps getting together would be suffice" Ino's squeal could be heard throughout the whole town of Konoha which had Sakura laughing sheepishly "I take that a yes?"

"Of course forehead! Ugh I need some girl time away from Shika anyway, I'll call Hinata" Sakura giggled at Ino's mood swing shifting from excited to annoyed then back to excited and promptly explaining to Ino that she would call them.

"No it's fine Ino, I really missed Tenten and Hinata so I'll call them both as well as Temari" she giggled as Ino agreed and bid bye to get herself ready for the spree.

Calling Hinata was quite a call when Naruto answered asking Sakura for help when he mentioned Hinata was in the shower because she had a feeling that she was going to be hanging with the girls all day. Sakura was quite impressed with the Uzumaki wife but when Naruto complained his kids would be at his office all day Sakura couldn't contain her laughter. Sakura assured him that his kids were well behaved and that as a father it's quite normal to struggle. He just needed to find a way to pacify them if they became restless.

Tenten explained that she was getting done because Ino left a message and she was on her way but forcing her dear husband that he'll be taking care of the kids. For the day.

Temari, she was about to call but the said woman appeared in her room while she stood dressed ready to leave and wanting to drive with her because Kiba took her car for a regular check. He was rather protective when it came to her and Takahashi so he had their car serviced monthly.

The girls all met up and Ino squealed hugging Sakura whining "forehead I missed you! Please don't ever go"

"Pig you sound like Naruto" Ino closed her mouth and the girls giggled at her pout before she gathered herself and huffed "whatever, so what we doing today?"

"I was thinking hit the stores and then the hairdresser? I'm in dire need for a haircut" Sakura looked at the girls for their opinion and they all agreed; she smiled and Ino pulled them all together "let's hit the stores"

Sakura and Hinata glared as Ino complained about not having enough clothes; the girls were all tired and hungry but Ino kept looking for something more to waste her money on. Sakura gripped on Ino's shoulders from behind and pushed her towards the exit "come on, I'm sure you have enough clothes besides Shikamaru would rather want those clothes on the floor than on you"

The girls giggled at the thought and their dear friend's tomato face at Sakura's bold comment; they sat down in a nice café and couldn't wait to order. Sakura was the first to speak after their order appeared deciding that they would understand her situation and explained "guys yesterday, I was quite rude to Sasuke and I feel bad about everything I said and did, what do I do? Apologize or be grateful that his leaving me alone?"

Tenten spoke up eating a portion of her burger "what did he do?" Sakura inhaled and told them all about their date; spending time together and Sasuke's topic of marriage and kids. The girls understood and Hinata agreed that if she felt bad then it meant she wasn't planning to be rude and she should apologize.

"Okay I'll definitely speak to him today, thanks for helping guys, it's just that I've tried everything to let him understand but he just doesn't wanna back down" she smiled at Hinata and Ino smiled "maybe because he knows what he wants now, now that's done, forehead how about dinner at my place with the girls?"

Sakura smirked and waved her hands in front of her politely declining "it's fine pig I've got plans... Not to eat your food"

Ino glared at Sakura who whispered the last part; she crossed her arms and pouted retorting "my cooking improved and I heard that last part"

The girls giggled and spoke a little bit about their lives; Ino complained about not having too much time for them and that they should do this another time.

They paid the bill and left; Sakura stood still and smiled "Ino I think I want a haircut" Ino froze and turned to her with a big grin on her face "I know the perfect haircut that will suit you"

The woman laughed following along at Ino dragging Sakura to a salon while the pinkette struggled carrying her load of bags and her enthusiastic friend dragging her; Ino began explaining what hairstyle her friend would look great in and the hairstylist that seemed to be annoyed at her overbearing personality.

Sakura's hair was done and when she stood up the girls gaped at her; Hinata was the first to speak recovering from her shock of her pink haired friend "S-Sakura-chan your hair looks amazing" she smiled and thanked Hinata and giggled at Ino's facial expression looking like a fish out of water.

"Forehead you look...wow you going to knock Sasuke off his feet" she rolled her eyes at her friends comment and they all left with flabbergasted looks.

Sakura entered her home; dropped her shopping bags off on the sofa before grabbing her car keys and leaving to Sasuke's home. She stood at the door not wanting to come here and sighed; she gave a hard knock and moments later Sasuke opened the large doors without a cane at his side. He motioned for her to enter and she hesitantly entered watching as he limped following him and then speaking up "uh...I just came to say sorry for my outburst yesterday and if you could accept my apology?"

"Hn" she sighed knowing that this would be a difficult task from the beginning "Sasuke I'm just apologizing for my ill behavior and I'm asking if you forgive me?"

"Aa" she smiled at the reply and thanked him softly; noticing the boxes around and wondering exactly what they were for; she turned ready to leave and momentarily freezing at his request "dinner?"

Sakura turned to face him and sighed asking "you don't know when to give up, huh?" he smirked and she rolled her eyes at how smug he was looking "okay, eight okay?" he nodded and she walked away with a smile

"Sakura..." she stopped turning to face him her emeralds shining when she asked "yes Sasuke?"

"You...your hair suits you" she unconsciously played with her hair, her new hairstyle was short compared to her long locks but cut in layers in a cute pixie cut, she smiled "thank you, may I ask what's the boxes for?"

"Moving to a new estate, I'll show you tonight" she nodded and left with a big smile upon her face with excitement bubbling for tonight's dinner. No matter how many times she tried to deny it; her heart would always be pining for her one and only, Sasuke-kun.
Lol, read a great SasuSaku fanfic on fanfiction. Net, To Love And To Love Again, it has 40 chapters but its worth it, I recommend all sasusaku fans to read. Can't stop thinking of the story now.

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