Johnny has a crush on Jenna......or Julie?

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Jenna POV
It's Monday again so guess what? I have to work today, I know fun right? I hate having to walk and since Julie loves having mom drive her around I have to walk. But today mom wanted to take emma and Max out show them how her favorite daughter is doing,
Johnny POV
I think I'm going to tell her, I'm going to tell Jenna Hudson I have a crush on her. Have had, for a long time now. I just hope she feels the same. Even if joe said Jenna is off limits, I don't know why though. It's weird. Whatever, I need to tell her it's now or never
Rachel POV
Finn told me max wanted to help him in the tire shop, so now it's a girls day. It's Monday and Julie and Jenna have school. But Jenna has her job at that place, so emma, Julie and I are going to drop her off.
Jenna POV
I got in the car only to see it was just emma and Julie and mom in the car, and Julie took shotgun. Great. Looks like I'm stuck in the back with a baby who can barely walk. Let's hope I survive the ten minute drive.
Julie POV
I was on my phone texting Sarah, when I see a really cute boy at the from of the store. Oh! Look another one just walked out! why didn't my nerd of a sister tell me she has hot coworkers? I turn to the back just as she was getting out.

"Who are those fine pieces of a-"
"Ah, ah, baby in the car" mom interrupts

I just roll my eyes, her and aunt San cuss all the time around Em's. I decide to jump out of the car and follow to where she was heading. Who knows maybe, I need bait today to fish?
Rachel POV
Great just great, Julie want to disrupt her sister at work today
Jenna POV
Why is my twin following to my job, a swamp shop, something she despises.

"Um Jules, why are you following me?" I ask
"Just introduce me to those boys over there" she points toward Brandon and Johnny
"who Johnny and Brandon?" I question,
because knowing my sister, she probably wants fresh meat
"Oh! Which ones Johnny?" She asks excited

Just as I was about to tell her to get lost my mother runs to us with emma in her hands. Joe also happened to walk out causing him to look at us, making everyone else look at us. Uh, why Julie, why?
"Why hello..."
"Jenna? What are you wearing?" Brandon asked Julie
"Uh actually," I interrupted
"I'm wearing something better for a change" Julie smiles
"Can I talk to you Jen" Johnny asks
"Sure" "no" we say at the same time

Bothe Brandon and Johnny do a double take

"I'm Jenna, this is my twin Julie, she saying goodbye now" I say pushing her toward my mom
"What, Julie, I'm Jenna, stop confusing Johnny and Brandon" Julie says

I just stop and look at her, she's not going to win this fight.

"Alright Jenna, you and Johnny go get me a fishing pole" I smirk knowing she doesn't know anything
"I can do that" she shrugs
"Julie stop it, let your sister get to work" my mom says as emma claps her hands
"Yeah go home Julie " Julie says
"Hold on mom Jenna getting me a fishing pole" I smile
Johnny looks so confused and Brandon looks even more confused than Johnny
Julie walks toward Brandon and says let's get a fishing pole
Johnny and I start laughing
"What?" Julie asks
"Johnny is the other one" I smile
"Fine you win this time" Julie Susa defeat while waking toward my mom who was nodding her head in disapproval
"Alright Jen, call your dad when your done, we're going to go eat with aunt San and uncle puck after your done" my mom says from the car

"Bye ma, bye Em's!" I wave as they drive off

I roll my eyes and walk toward the counter where Johnny is smiling so hard

"Don't start with me" I say seriously

"Wasn't going to say anything" he smiles again

"Mmhh" I say trying to not sound embarresed

My family, my sister, can be so difficult. 

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