Ex Shopping

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Rachel POV
It's been two weeks since we moved into the new house. The girls have gotten settled in and have started school. Max doesn't start till September and Emma doesn't even start school yet. Finn still runs the tire shop, as well. Life's been treating us well, but not well enough to give us free food. So here I am on a Saturday afternoon buying groceries with my kids. They branched off finding things that I'm not going to buy, but they'll still beg, even when they know the answer. Emma's the only one who isn't bugging me about some sugary sweet, no, instead she's holding her sisters roughed up teddy bear and giggling. So far she's the one who loves to giggle.
Finn POV
Unfortunately I have to work today, which makes me sad. Although today's Rachel and i's anniversary, she doesn't know but I have a big surprise for her. It's kind of making up for not being able to be with her during the day. I can't wait to finish up here.
Rachel POV

"You like that? I bet you do!" I say in my baby voice

I was playing with Emma and not paying attention when my cart bumps into someone else's.

"Oh I'm sorry....."
I was looking at the coco puffs when I finally decided to go with the cinnamon toast crunch. I mean, cinnamon is way better than chocolate. My dumb sisters are too busy fighting to notice moms talking to some weird guy. So me being super duper smart, I walk over to them and throw one of the bars of soap, at the one that won't cry.


She turns to face me rubbing her head, I don't have time for her wimpiness so I drag them over to mom
Rachel POV
I saw a face who, I never thought I'd see again

"Rachel? What are you doing here!?"

Really? We're in a grocery store. What do you think I'm doing, hunting elephants? Idiot.

"Oh you know....shopping" I say shrugging

Before he could answer I hear

"Moooommmmm, max through this soap at me" Jenna whines chucking it back at him
"Hey, hey what have I said? No throwing soap, beverages, food, furniture..." I look at max "...or your baby sister, in stores" I say stern
"Sorry mom, but I decided to spare you the agony of choosing between two delicious cereals, and went with cinnamon toast crunch" max tells me putting the box in the cart

Both girls start laughing

"No way" they say at the same time

"Fruity pebbles" "lucky charms"

They say over each other. The three look at each other silently.....and then began fighting. As usual, I just stare apologetically at the person who's still standing there.

"No, fruity better....as if....cinnamon....delicious...idiot...you don't know anything...fart brain....brat...lucky charms...way better...favorite, me...'

They all fight and talk over each other. I just groan as Emma giggles at the sight unraveling. The. I do what I usually do, because screaming wasn't going to help.

*Rachel whistles

Everyone finally shuts up, including emma.

"Enough! I'm not buying either if these cereals if you don't behave!" I scold my children

It's silent until Emma bursts into a fit of giggles. Everyone looks at her smiling face until

"Oh so your still married to the tree giant" he says looking down
"Hey mister, my dad is yes, freakishly tall, but he can beat you up any day" max threatens
"Max! Be nice," I sat serious
"Damian, I apologize for my sons outburst, but yes I am still married to Finn" I smile smug
"Yea, and you just had to have my brother while being married" Julie mumbles causing Jenna to snort and max to stick out his tongue, I shoot them a glare

"Uh, sorry it's just, I didn't think you'd actually stay with the guy you cheated me on with" Damian replied

Now I started laughing. The kids were confused and I could already tell they didn't like Damian.

"If I recall, your the one who cheated on me, and I wasn't dating Finn till after we did the swan song test" I say, I remember what went down.....asswipe

"Well, still can't believe you managed to make four brats with him after fifteen years" Damian says

I gasped offended by what he said, I was about to go off on him when all three talking kids went

"Heyyyyyy!!!!!! We're not brats," Jenna said with max
"Yeah, well all of us except max" Julie added
"Says the girl who cried when she broke a nail" max said sarcastically
"It took two hours, and those nails we're perfect until you decided you wanted a handshake!" Julie fired back
"Alright, alright enough you two, let's go, we don't want to catch jealous" I said pushing the cart toward the line, leaving my ex-cheating scumbag boyfriend Damian speechless
"Wait, ma, you never decided what cereal?" Jenna asked while she was putting the stuff on the cashier

I was pretty proud of how my kids almost succeeded in defending each other.

"I'll get all of them" I smiled
"Yes! I should call you a brat more often!' Julie said

Causing max to give her his death stare

"Don't make me regret it Jules" I threaten my wonderfully chaotic children

"Heh, sorry" she says

Emma just giggles, what she does best

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