Beach Trip

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Rachel POV
We haven't been out in such a long time as a family. So Santana and decided we would all go to the beach. She and puck would take the girls in their car and Finn and I would meet them there since we have way more kids. Celia is starting sophomore year, Jenna got a job, max is quarterback, just like his dad, and emma just learned to walk. So were all celebrating something, I'm so excited.
Finn POV
Rachel and San decided to make a family vacation today, Saturday, to the beach. I'm pretty excited to see Rachel in a bikini.
Jenna POV
I don't have to work today and moms deciding we all go to the beach as a "family". I'm not complaining, but I'd much rather hang out with Johnny and Celia, without my siblings around. Not even Julie could get out of today. Aunt Santana and mom are determined we all spend time together again. So here I am packing my towel as mom loads her bag with stuff that we're all gong to magically need later on, because we forgot to pack it ourselves. I swear, it's like she knows we're going to forget it.

"Julie, Jenna, hurry up! I want to go swim already!!!"

I heard max yell, I could even hear Em's laughing. I grab my stuff and head downstairs. Mom was in a nice pink summer dress while holding emma who was wearing the Minnie Mouse bathing suit I got for her birthday and laughing at max, who was in blue and green swim trunks and making funny faces, dad is like super tall, and is as big as our freaken door, but he was in black swim trunks, I know my family has swag. I made it down and everyone was still waiting at the door.

"Is your sister down yet?" Dad asked bored out of his mind
"I didn't see her in my way" I shrug

Max steps aside,

"Hurry up Julie!!!! You take foreverrrrr!!!!!" Max yells

Mom looks at him

"Max, no yelling in the house," she scolds

Dad gives up and goes

"Alright here" he grabs emma from mom and says "max, Jen common we're waiting in the car, your moms going to hurry your sister"  he smiles at the end

My mom rolls her eyes

"Oh sure, leave the high maintenance one to me"
Still Jenna POV
After like an hour of waiting for Julie to come down, we finally get to go. Emma was seated in her car seat asleep, max had his racing game, and Julie had her phone, which had contacts, which meant I heard this all ride long

"I know!
She did not!
Omg Sophie did what!???
Yeah, I had to come,
Uhh I know
So annoying!"

Finally half way there I was about to put my headphones in when max took her phone and ended the call. I laughed. Mom closed her eyes at the silence of gossip exploding from my sisters mouth, and dad sighed in relief it was over, until

"Dad! Did you see what he just did!!???" Julie screeched
"Yes, Julie and I think it's best if you save your battery, so you should thank max" dad argued
"Uhhhhh,' she groaned
"When are we going to get there!??" Julie asked annoyed
"As soon as we find parking" mom answers

Hopefully we find parking soon!

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