Morning of work

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Jenna POV
It's a Saturday and joe is making me work, like uhhhhhh. Dinner was great but they were all just flat out crazy, as usual. Now it's time to return to reality, unfortunately. Joe went out to get more bait and Johnny is the only one in today.
"Hey Jenna.......can you go see if joe has any post it's?" Johnny walks in
"Uh, sure?" I say

He's so weird, post it's? Really, weirdo. I walk in and I look through his desk and find the strangest thing.
Johnny POV
In so stupid. I was going to tell her that I liked her but instead I said post it's! Now dumber can I get!? Brandon is finally not here hitting on her, and I use the opportunity to ask for post it's! Oh look here she comes, but she doesn't have post it's just papers

"Jenna what's wrong?" I ask going to her aid

She looks at me
Jenna POV
I didn't find post it's, I found a bunch of articles and on tots of my mom, and a couple of me and Julie. They were all in joes desk, as off he were keeping tabs on us. I give the papers to Johnny

"What's this?" He asks examine the photos "is this your mom?" Johnny asks looking at me from the photos and articles about mom

"Yeah, and they were all in joes cabinet" I say

This is too weird

"I have to call my mom" I choke out too freaked out
Rachel POV
I was cooking breakfast for Finn and max and the girls right after I dropped off Jenna at work. I'm so prod of her, getting a job and all. Finn was walking downstairs with a tired looking emma when I got a call.

*phone call*
Hello -r
Jenna, sweetie what's wrong?-r
Can you pleas pick me up from work and fast, it's an emergency-j
I'll be right there sweetie-r
*end of call*

I wonder what's got her worked up

"What's wrong?" Finn asked worried
"Jenna, something happened at work, she wants me to pick her up" I tell Finn grabbing my jacket
"Alright, you want me to go get her?" Finn asks eating a piece of toast and bacon
"No, I'll do it, just make sure Julie ears something, and that max doesn't eat everything" I say walking out
"Love you" Finn yells
"Love you too" I say closing the door
Jenna POV
I was waiting in the front with all the papers and photos when joe came.

"Jenna what's wrong? Why aren't you working?" Joe asks

I back away afraid

"Stay away from me" I yell

He puts the bucket down cautiously walking toward me

"Woah,woah, what wrong?" He asks
"This! This is what's wrong you little old creep" I yell lifting the papers
"Jenna," joe says a little surprised I found his stash

My mom comes running toward me. She looks confused but I can already tell she knows something's up

"Sweetie what's going on?" Mom asks
"Ask this stalker of yours" I say scared as I show her his stash

He closes his eyes as mom examines the photos

"How did you get these?" She asks holding a photo of her as a baby and one of her and grandma on her sixth birthday

"Your aunt Jill sent them" joe replies

How does he know nana Jill?

"Jenna get in the car" mom says mad
"But, mom,"
"Now Jenna" mom say stern

I slowly walk to the car
Rachel POV

"Why would aunt Jill send my photo to a complete stranger huh? She wouldn't which is why I don't believe you, so you need to stay away from my daughter!" I say angry

"I'm not a stranger Rachel" he said

"You are now" I say about to walk away when he said

"I'm your father"

I face him

"Your lying" I said almost crying

I don't know to believe him or not

"I am, and I can prove it, just come on in and I'll tell you" he said trying to talk

I wasn't buying it

"Sorry but I'll pass, unlike you I have a family to take care of" I say walking to the car to give aunt Jill a call

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